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 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  VOA慢速英语2014.11.12 Rebecca949 2014-11-17 0/1374 Rebecca949 2014-11-17 10:37
  VOA慢速英语2014.10.09 Rebecca949 2014-10-13 1/1373 herman_liu76 2014-10-19 16:33
  VOA慢速英语2011.05.25 Rebecca949 2011-5-26 1/1373 多啦 2011-5-27 09:00
  The Making of a Strongman 李武军 2011-7-1 0/1373 李武军 2011-7-1 12:00
  Obama Security Policy Stresses Diplomacy, Development and Coalitions 李武军 2011-7-3 0/1373 李武军 2011-7-3 07:31
  VOA慢速英语2012.06.21 Rebecca949 2012-6-21 0/1373 Rebecca949 2012-6-21 12:05
  US Lets Farmers Plant Biotech Sugar Beets, With Conditions 李武军 2011-6-28 0/1372 李武军 2011-6-28 18:16
  Why Grafting Still Fits Nicely Into Agriculture 李武军 2011-6-29 0/1372 李武军 2011-6-29 06:25
  Obama Urges Congress: Reform Immigration Rules 李武军 2011-7-3 0/1372 李武军 2011-7-3 07:33
  VOA慢速英语2013.07.24 Rebecca949 2013-7-24 0/1372 Rebecca949 2013-7-24 11:07
  VOA慢速英语2013.11.27 评价指数 1 Rebecca949 2013-11-27 1/1371 taoshuyang 2013-11-27 09:51
  VOA慢速英语2014.05.19 Rebecca949 2014-5-20 1/1371 jessica-tang 2014-7-3 12:44
  VOA慢速英语2016.08.15 Rebecca949 2016-10-10 0/1371 Rebecca949 2016-10-10 10:32
  VOA慢速英语2016.07.29 Rebecca949 2016-8-23 0/1371 Rebecca949 2016-8-23 09:55
  VOA慢速英语2012.08.31 Rebecca949 2012-9-1 2/1370 jizhao19960124 2012-9-2 21:39
  VOA慢速英语2012.01.19 Rebecca949 2012-1-26 1/1370 keshimian 2012-1-31 22:02
  World Leaders Urged to Meet Development Goals by 2015 李武军 2011-6-29 0/1369 李武军 2011-6-29 06:17
  VOA慢速英语2011.09.15 Rebecca949 2011-9-19 1/1369 guobinmoon 2011-12-6 17:57
  VOA慢速英语2011.11.07 Rebecca949 2011-11-7 0/1369 Rebecca949 2011-11-7 09:08
  VOA慢速英语2012.11.04 Rebecca949 2012-11-5 1/1369 arenaboy 2012-11-5 13:34
  VOA慢速英语2014.06.01 Rebecca949 2014-6-4 1/1369 jessica-tang 2014-7-9 12:46
  VOA慢速英语2016.07.13 Rebecca949 2016-7-28 0/1369 Rebecca949 2016-7-28 15:01
  VOA慢速英语2013.08.14 Rebecca949 2013-8-14 1/1368 kaiyining 2013-8-14 14:48
  VOA慢速英语2014.04.24 Rebecca949 2014-4-25 2/1368 jessica-tang 2014-5-13 12:29
  VOA慢速英语2016.08.11 Rebecca949 2016-10-10 0/1368 Rebecca949 2016-10-10 09:59
  Tripoli: Fighting Empties the Seaside Capital 李武军 2011-8-27 0/1368 李武军 2011-8-27 06:56
  VOA慢速英语2011.11.11 Rebecca949 2011-11-11 0/1368 Rebecca949 2011-11-11 10:00
  With Gadhafi Dead, What Does Future Hold for Libya? 李武军 2011-10-23 0/1367 李武军 2011-10-23 08:41
  VOA慢速英语2011.11.06 Rebecca949 2011-11-6 1/1367 sharey 2011-11-6 22:26
  An 'Image Problem' for a Food That Could Save African Lives 李武军 2011-6-28 0/1366 李武军 2011-6-28 18:21
  In Haiti, a Struggle to Get Crops in the Ground 李武军 2011-6-29 0/1366 李武军 2011-6-29 06:30
  Investigative Reports on Iraq's Abu Ghraib Prison 李武军 2011-7-2 0/1366 李武军 2011-7-2 18:38
  VOA慢速英语2015.04.21 Rebecca949 2015-4-22 0/1366 Rebecca949 2015-4-22 09:54
  VOA慢速英语2012.11.08 Rebecca949 2012-11-8 1/1366 李功林 2012-11-24 11:58
  Beauties in the Garden: Growing Ornamental Trees and Bushes 李武军 2011-6-28 0/1364 李武军 2011-6-28 06:40