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请看《中国日报》相关报道:Property prices in the country's 70 large and medium cities rose by 7.1 percent on a yearly basis last month despite the government's efforts to cool down the market.

The sales prices of pre-owned houses jumped by 7.8 percent in June. That was one percentage point higher than in May. Shenzhen and Beijing are still among the top four cities in terms of price hikes, with growth rates of 16.1 percent and 9.4 percent, respectively.

报道中的“pre-owned house”指的就是“二手房”。

“Pre-owned”在此表示“used”,“secondhand”。由此,与“新房”(newly-built house)相对的“二手房”有时也可表达为“secondhand house”。

不过,相对而言,“pre-owned house”更为常用。


