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【2012-1-22 每日音乐】End of May

本帖最后由 Rachel0818 于 2013-5-10 10:20 编辑 listen to the music and then write down your feelings to gain the score. 今天带给大家又一首值得细细聆听的歌曲,适合在任何安静的场合欣赏。每当午夜梦回,或是午后慵懒的阳光下,你总少不了这样环绕耳畔的轻吟。 End of May 出自 Keren Ann 的首张英文专辑《Not Going Anywhere》 Keren Ann是个用法语歌唱生活的女孩,她的民谣实在“清新”,和古老的传说联系在一起,和远去的岁月里绵绵的小故事牵手,直接承载于简陋的乐器声中。 而《Not Going Anywhere》的吟唱更偏向于布鲁斯,也更低调。略带颓废的清淡语调一直贯穿于小夜曲一般的主题曲中,贯穿于《End Of May》梦幻般的和声中。 整首歌笼罩在淡淡的忧伤中,仿佛听着听着连空气都变得潮湿起来。随着最后一个音符的终止,低低的吟唱却久久缠绕心头,化成一抹绵远悠长的叹息。 有人说Keren Ann的东西适合作为全世界任何一家咖啡馆的背景音乐,显然这很合理,但如此华美却又极简矜持的作品更适合于私人聆听。Keren Ann美妙的轻声细语犹如易碎的水晶玻璃,又仿若湿润夏季里轻凉的山泉。她的纯洁是长刺前的玫瑰,无法在世间长久的生存。 End Of May 歌曲名称:End of May   歌手:Keren Ann   Close your eyes and roll a dice   Under the board there's a compromise   If after all we only live twice   Which life is the run road to paradise   Don't say a word   Here comes the break of the day   In white clouds of sand raised   by the wind of the end of May   Close your eyes and make a bet   Faced to the glare of the sunset   This is about as far as we get   You haven't seen me disguised yet   Don't say a word   Here comes the break of the day   In white clouds of sand raised   by the wind of the end of May   Close your eyes and make a wish   Under the stone there's a stone-fish   Hold your breath, then roll the dice   It might be the run road to paradise   Don't say a word   Here comes the break of the day   In white clouds of sand raised   by the wind of the end   Don't say a word   Here comes the break of the day   In white clouds of sand raised   by the wind of the end of May

本帖最后由 Rachel0818 于 2013-5-10 10:20 编辑 Keren Ann美妙的轻声细语犹如易碎的水晶玻璃,又仿若湿润夏季里轻凉的山泉。 这句说的很好,很净化心灵啊。


  • xiahme


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