The United States ice dancing team of Meryl Davis and Charlie White took the gold medal at the Sochi Winter Olympics, the first time the Americans have won that event. Belarus captured 2 golds, with victories in the women's 12.5-kilometer mass start biathlon and the men's aerials. _____________________Germany has won the most gold medals with 8. I am Ray Kouguell, VOA News. Details on these and other stories on our website at 美国冰舞组合戴维斯和怀特(Meryl Davis , Charlie White)在索契冬奥会摘得金牌,这也是历史上美国选手在冬奥会该项目获得的首枚金牌.白俄罗斯队获得冬季两项--女子12.5公里集体出发赛和男子空中技巧的两枚金牌.俄罗斯队在男子双人座雪车比赛中拔得头筹.德国队则将男子团体跳台滑雪的金牌收入囊中._________________________德国队斩获8金,位列金牌榜之首.我是雷`寇格儿,美国之音新闻.冬奥会更多详细内容和其他新闻,欢迎访问VOANEWS.COM.