_________________________________________But the disease is spreading so quickly in West Africa - the number of cases is doubling every two weeks, that it's now being declared a threat to international peace and security - the normal purview of the Security Council. Its members heard that the international response will need to be three times greater than it is now if the outbreak is to be controlled. _______________________________________但是埃博拉疫情在西非快速蔓延,病例的数量每两周就要翻一番.现今,安理会基于其基本职责,宣布埃博拉疫情已威胁到国际和平和安全.安理会成员国获悉,要使疫情得到控制,国际社会需付出比现在多三倍的努力.
never before has Unite Nations secutiry concil met confront public health crisis. it's only the second time that public health things has been address, that was HIVS.