Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. It isn’t about what happens to us but it’s about how we handle what happens. As quoted; "we are who we choose to be" - Green Goblin. Fate govern us in many ways but what effort we are putting to cope with the fate?
发生在我们身上的事情只占生活中的十分之一,剩下的十分之九是我们的反应,重要的不是发生了什么而是我们如何处理。一如绿恶魔的名言:我们要成为什么样的人,是我们自己的选择的。命运多方面的操控着我们,但是我们又付出了多少努力来与命运抗争? Living a good life can be easier if we follow the simplest attributes of living that can make our society better as well. Kindness, gratitude, love and emotions, forgiveness and forgetfulness, patience, sincerity, companionship, respect, care and devotion are some of the factors that can make life pretty easier and admirable.
Sometimes you cannot even imagine what life brings to you, it becomes impossible for you to handle that particular scenario but the thing that needs to be remembered every time is that if it brings immense happiness to you pay your thanks to the one who has given you the pleasure and if it makes you gloomy then never underestimate an individual power that every person actually have.
有时候你甚至不能想象生活能给你带来什么,特殊的场景让你感觉无所适从。但你只需要记住,要感谢带给你巨大快乐的人。那些让你感觉到人生灰暗,也不要低估自己处理这些问题的能力(什么让你痛苦,什么让你强大)。 Built that capacity and bring it out. Yes, we all got powers to cope the incidents that brings grief. Because he makes us suffer to that extent we can bear. He never puts us on trials that are impossible to face. And believe me every incident gives us a lesson, which we need! to learn.
要建立这种能力,然后激发它。我们完全具备应付这些事情带来的负面情绪,即使有时这些情绪超出负荷。生活从来不会将我们应付不来的事情摊派。每件事情的发生总有它的缘由,给我们的人生上一课。我们要做的只是从中吸取经验。 "The only mistake in life is the lesson not learned" - Albert Einstein.
“生活的唯一败笔,就是我们的重蹈覆辙。”阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦 A small deed of kindness, a small word of love can bring peace. Care, respect and devotion can easily suppress hatred. Patience and sincerity can disrupt disputes. Forgiveness and forgetfulness can do wonders. These smallest human attributes can save this society from envy, abhorrence, disagreements, disloyalty and disrespect.[/en]
一个小小的善举,一句简单的爱的表达。关心、尊重、奉献能制约内心的厌恶。耐心、真诚可以瓦解分歧。原谅宽恕可以创造奇迹。这些小小的品质能够让社会不陷入嫉妒,憎恶,分歧、不忠、不敬的境地。 We cannot buy these traits from any store or market. Instead it is nature’s gift. We can earn these from prayers and from changing our selves because these are the traits that everyone possess, just need to use them.
这些品质我们买不来换不到。这些是与生俱来的。我们可以从祈祷以及改变自我中习得,原本就属于我们,只是我们不曾使用而已的属性。不要把自己和他人做比较,每个人都有自己的价值。发掘属于自己的人生真谛,不要带有(功利)目的生活,找到自己的(热爱)并将它惠及他人。 Thank you.