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2011-01-10 音乐欣赏:bottoms up
本帖最后由 Rachel0818 于 2013-5-10 10:21 编辑
Trey Songz,真名为Tremaine Aldon Neverson 。1984.11.28出生在美国维吉尼亚州,2005年出道,签约在Atlantic Records公司。他是一位一位副有极佳歌喉与外表的节奏蓝调新星。
Trey Songz,会让你目不转睛的停留在他身上,耳朵为之一开的专心聆听,这可不是夸大吹捧的语辞,这完全是对于一位天生歌唱好手发自内心的推崇赞赏!虽然到 2005年才终告全球曝光,但是先前早已身经百战的Trey,已经储备出足够的能量,要在乐坛大显身手一番!在幼年与求学时期,
皆无受过任何歌唱或是乐器弹奏训练,每天和一般的年轻人过着玩篮球、办派对、至教堂演唱的平凡生活,音乐当然也是日常调剂不可或缺的精神食粮,但是Trey却是钟情于嘻哈饶舌音乐更甚节奏蓝调乐,直到聆听过R. Kelly的音乐后,深深被那感动直达人的内心深处之声波着迷不已,拥有令人称羡好嗓音的Trey,在友人的建议下,放弃追寻饶舌乐,开始进入节奏蓝调之领域。成功赢得家乡才艺选秀表演,让他有机会认识Boyz II Men、Whitney Houston、B2K、SWV等专辑制作大师Troy Taylor,Troy鼓励Trey先完成高中学业,再来帮他规划歌唱事业。拿到文凭后的Trey,立刻搬到纽泽西州与Troy共事,率先在雷鬼新秀 Kevin Lyttle与南岸快嘴高手Trick Daddy的专辑中小露一手,同时将首支暖身单曲 "About The Game" ,收在电影《Coach Carter》原声带中。
经过多时的演唱历练,终在Atlantic主流大厂的策划下,Trey Songz推出个人首张惊艳之作《I Gotta Make It》。开场曲 "Cheat On You" ,除了带着节奏蓝调的声频外,还谱入Trey最为欣赏70年代Motown灵式音韵;首支主攻作 "Gotta Make It" ,请来名制作人/歌手一致指名钦点合作,并赞誉将嘻哈音乐传奇延续传陈下去之**人的Twista饶舌助阵,动听度可不输近期红遍排行的Mario、 Frankie J等人之作品;充满律动感的 "OOO" ,有着卡位新世纪少男团体**宝座B2K四人组合之单飞团员Omarion的 "O" 的音乐触感;当然喜爱听节奏蓝调抒情歌曲的你,千万别错过动人十足的 "Kinda Love" 、 "Hatin' Love" 、 "I Gotta Go" 等迷人小品!藏着无限潜能的Trey Songz,将声音表情散发的淋漓尽致,被称为节奏蓝调界的维吉尼亚王子,准备展现与生俱来的天生好嗓之真本事!
Trey Songz个人第二张专辑,邀请到Boyz II Men、Whitney Houston专辑制作大师Trey Taylor和R. Kelly等大师助阵操刀,节奏蓝调声韵轰轰作响。
首周发行即空降美国专辑榜#11、发行第一周狂销7万3千张热门大碟!首支强打单曲<Wonder Woman>上榜首周美国Billboard榜#54。2005年的首张出道专辑《I Gotta Make It》之后,睽违乐坛2年所推出的个人第二张大碟《Trey Day》,天生好嗓音让他甫一出道即轻易地博得乐迷和音乐界的注目,再加上被「快嘴饶舌王」Twista钦点,在他个人空降全美流行专辑榜亚军大碟《The Day After明天过后》中的<Girl Tonite>一曲献声之后,让Trey Songz的知名度也随之上升,Twista爱才惜才,也在Trey的首支出道单曲<Gotta Make It>饶舌助阵。
2007年首支全新单曲<Wonder Woman>邀到美国话题比基尼小野猫Lola Luv为音乐录影带助阵,火热**的身躯,在MV中搔首弄姿的媚惑娇样为这支音乐录影带加温不少,可谓是火力全开!全辑由Boyz II Men、Whitney Houston专辑制作大师Troy Taylor(Boyz II Men、Whitney Houston、B2K、SWV等专辑制作人)、Delante Murphy和Kevin Liles一手打造。同时也邀来许多赫赫有名的重量级录音室巨星助阵如Danja、Bryan Michael Cox、The Runner、Jimmy Jam和Terry Lewis、Dre&Vidal、Bei Maejor、Eric Hudson、以及独一无二的R. Kelly,前Dru Hill成员Tamir ”Nokio” Ruffin则负责掌控全辑的音乐方向。
主打的第二支单曲<Can’t Help But Wait>,全曲洋溢节奏蓝调律动的声音表情,是Tery另一再度让乐迷惊艳的抒情佳作,也是全美各大电台强打热门曲。
It’s Mr Steal your girl
It’s Mr Steal your girl
hey girl hey girl hey girl hey girl
let go
Bottoms up bottoms up
ever see your cup
got a couple bottles but a couple aint enough
Bottoms up bottoms up
throw your hands up
tell security we bout to tear this club up
Bottoms up bottoms up
pocket full of cream
girl you know I love the way you shake it in those jeans
Bottoms up bottoms up
throw your hands up
bottoms up bottoms up
[Trey Songz - Verse 1]
You know what it is girl we back up in this thing
money stay in my pocket girl I’m like a walking bank
tell me what you drink tell me what you think
If I go get these bottles we go alcohol (?)
calling all the girls do you hear me
all around the World city to city
cheers to the girls no (?) to the guys
I got a chicken no goose in the ride
getting loose in the ride
(?) you can move to move to move to the side
[Trey Songz - Verse 2]
My visions blurred
my words slurred
its jam packed a million girls
and I aint tryna leave though
we drunk so let me be your alcohol hero
[Nicki Minaj]
Can I get that ‘Tron? Can I get that Remy?
Can I get that coke? Can I get that Henny?
Can I get that margarita on the rock-rock-rocks?
Can I get salt all around that rim-rim-rim-rim?
Trey? I was like, “Yo, Trey?
Do you think you could buy me a bottle of Rose?”
Okay, let’s get it now
I’m wit a bad bitch, he’s with his friends
I don’t say hi, I say “Keys to the Benz”
“Keys to the Benz?” “Keys to Benz!”
Muf-cking right, yep weed to the ten
If A Bitch Try To Get Cute, I’ma Stuff Her.
Throw A Lot Money At Her, Then Yell “f-ck Her!”
fuck Her. f-ck Her. Then Yell “f-ck Her!”
Then I’ma Go And Get My Louisville Slugger.
Excuse Me. I’m Sorry. I’m Really Such A Lady.
I Rep Young Money. You Know.. Slim.. Baby?
And We Be Doing Donuts While We Waving A 380.
We Give A Lot Of Money To The Babies Out In Haiti
Yelling “All Around The World. Do You Hear Me?”
Do You Like My Body? Anna Nicki.
Rest In Peace To Anna Nicole Smith.
Yes. My Dear, You’re So Explosive.
Say Hi To Mary, Mary And Joseph.
Now Bottoms Up & Double My Dosage.
[End] |