- 219516
- 帖子
- 656
- 积分
- 5238
- 学分
- 7135 个
- 金币
- 34 个
- 性别
- 男
- 在线时间
- 193 小时
几天前Catherine在面试一家心仪已久的大公司D时,凭借其出色的表现力以及机敏的应变能力,她得到了主考官的赏识并且让她在家静候通知.兴奋的CATHERINE第一时间告诉了 Jenny,Jenny听到后也很高兴,但还是冷静的对她说了句"Don't hold your breath." Catherine听后丈二和尚摸不着头脑,说到:"我当然不会屏住呼吸,这跟我应聘的事怎么扯在一块了?Jenny听后知道她又误解了,便向她解释 Don't hold your breath是不要期望太高的意思.Catherine这才明白过来.
Jennyon't hold your breath ,honey.
Catherine:Why should I hold my breath?Does it have something to do with my interview?
Jenny:Yes,it is .In fact, don't hold your breath means don't hold your expectations of the interview too high. .I hope you can have a peaceful mind.
Catherine:i got you honey.i won't hold my breath now.
Don't hold your breath就是不要紧张,别期望太高了.hold one's breath意思是"(因为恐惧,兴奋等)而屏住呼吸".别憋着呼吸也就是别抱过高的期望值,凡事顺其自然就好,以后碰到有人在做什么事还没成功就在你面前胸有成竹,眉飞色舞时,这句话就派上用场了.你可以小小打击他一下,说on't hold your breath,说不定他的心态会平和很多呢.
Amanda:I behaved well in the interview.I'm sure I can get the new job.
Carlon't hold your breath.Let a thing slide.
卡尔:别期望太高.顺其自然吧. |