It is 1:30, universal time. I'm Jim Tedder in Washington. Israeli ground troops have expanded their offfensive in Southern L. Hours earlier, the Israeli security cabinet agreed to send troops as far as 30kms into L to the L river.
Israel says troops are targeting H positions in the town of H. Officials say H fired more than 60 rockets from the town into Israel on Wednesday. Israeli television says 15 Israeli solders were killed Wednesday in fighting in southern L. Reports say at least 13 H fighters were killed. Israeli forces also attacked southern B, the back of valley and camp for Palestinian refugees. The attacks skilled 7 people.
The United States says it is working hard to end the differences between Y and YL on a resolution to end the fighting between Israel and the H. A Whitehouse spokesman says the United States wants an end to the violence. France and the United States are working on a comprise proposal for a resolution to end the conflict. Diplomats say the changes are likely to delay a vote by the United Nations Security Council.(待续QQ:382365361)
it's one hour thirty universal time.
i am Jim Tedder in Washington.
Israeli ground troops have expanded their offensive in Southern Lethen??.
hours earlier the Israeli security capnet agreed to send troops as far as 30 kms into Lethenern??? to the Rotuny River???.
Israeli says troops are targetting Hasbraul??? positons in the town of Haien.???
offical say Hasbraul fired more than 60 rockets from the town into Israeli on Wednesday.
Israeli televition says 15 Israeli soldiers were killed Wednesday in fighting in Southern Lethen.
reports say at least 30 Hasbraul fighters were killed.
Israeli forces also attacked Southern Bayroot, the back of valley and camp for Palestinian refugees???
the attacks skilled 7 people.
the United Stats says it's working hard to end the differences between it and its Allies.
on a resolution to end the fighting between Israel and Hasbraul,a white house spokeman says the United States wants to an end to the fight.
France and the United States are working on a comprmise proposal for a resolution to end the conflict.
Diplomats say the changes are likely to delay a vote by the United Nation's Security Council.
the United States military says the American marines have arrested four Iraqis, they expected a kidnapping american reporter Joe Carrel earlier this year.
the military spokeman says the man were arrested in a unboard ???province West Backyard.
he says the american and Iraq officials are discussing ways to try the suspect.
also Wedesday the United States military said it's searching for 2 soldiers missing after an army heli-copt crash West Backyard.
four other people of the helicopters were injured.
and 3 american soldiers were killed in the attacks in the iraq province Savola??? unboard on Wednesday.