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please read the story carefully,then translate red sentences and tell me what are you thinking about when you read the whole story~Don't be shy,just make your imagination fly in your sky!
One day, when Kit was hunting a moose, his shot woke up two grizzly bears who had been napping near by. The bears jumped to their feet and ran out of the woods. Kit didn’t have time to aim again. All he could do was to turn on his heels and run for his life. But he was unlucky, for as he ran he slipped and his gun went flying out of his hands. Kit climbed up a tree immediately, and the bears followed him. Kit broke a dead branch of the tree, and when the bears camp up close enough, he gave them sharp strokes on the nose. Soon the bears could stand it no longer. Their noses burning with pain, they lowered themselves to the ground. But they didn’t leave. Poor Kit had to spend the whole night up in the tree. When dawn came, Kit could see the bears still sleeping below. Then he had an idea. He broke the dead branch into pieces. Taking careful aim, he threw down one of the pieces. It hit one of the bears right on the nose. The bear opened his eyes and roared. Then he closed his eyes again. Kit threw down a bigger piece of wood. This time the bear jumped up and, howling with pain, turned and attacked the other bear. In no time, the two bears were fighting madly. They had forgotten all about Kit. Kit hurried down from the tree, and ran away to a safe place.
有一天,基德去打猎,看见一头驼鹿,就开了一枪。不料,枪声惊醒了两头正在睡觉的灰熊。灰熊从林子里蹿出来,基德来不及再开枪,掉头就跑。不巧,此时他脚下一滑,手里的枪飞了出去。慌忙中,他爬上了一棵树,那两头灰熊也紧跟着往上爬。基德折下一根枯枝,等灰熊靠近了,就使劲抽打熊鼻子。灰熊疼痛难耐,就爬下去了。但它们没有离开,基德只好在树上过夜。天亮时,基德看见灰熊仍在下面睡着。这时他想起一个好主意。他把枯枝折成小段,瞄准后丢了一段下去,本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 那头熊吼了一声,又合上了眼。基德接着扔下去更大一段枯枝,那头熊疼得嗷嗷叫,跳起来咬它的同伴。不一会儿,两头灰熊就打得难解难分,本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 |