(一年前) 海地是世界上最贫穷的国家之一,这个国家曾经有很多问题,不过最近几年政府的一系列措施已经取得了很大进展,投资人也对这个国家的前景显示出了信心,然而一场7级的地震刹那间毁了这一切。地震源位于首都太子港西南15公里。并伴随2场较大规模的余震,分别达到5.9级和5.5级别。据估计数千人死亡。
Haiti earthquake: killing anunknown number of people. The small, impoverished country is prone tosevere and deadly natural disasters, especially hurricanes. Severedeforestation, leading to flooding and landslides, and a lack of properemergency services and infrastructure has resulted in the stormscausing the deaths of thousands of Haitians。 目前死亡人数尚无统计。这个贫穷小国经常遭受严重自然灾害,尤其是飓风。过度伐木也导致该国常有洪水、山崩,而救援物资匮乏、基础建设落后更使得数以万计的海地人民死亡。 
一片废墟 A view of the Canape-Vert area of Port-au-Prince shows hundreds of homes destroyed by the earthquake。 俯瞰太子港,我们可以看到全城现在已经是一片废墟。 
Residents pass a damaged church。 幸存者经过一座坍塌的教堂。 
People search for survivors among the debris of a collapsed building。 人们在一栋大楼的残骸里搜索幸存者。

A man covers his face behind a person trapped in the rubble of a collapsed building in Port-au-Prince。
太子港,在死者面前,生者唯有掩面…… |