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本帖最后由 eileengao 于 2011-6-17 11:09 编辑
An advocacy group says 90 percent of the 350,000 deaths of women during childbirth worldwide each year could be prevented.
Every Mother Counts notes $15 billion is spent on Mother's Day gifts in the United States annually and is trying to raise 1 percent of that amount to help save mothers' lives.
Christy Turlington Burns' group says it is trying to raise awareness and money via its Facebook page "Moms4MomsDay" at www.facebook.com/HaveMom-entum.
这家慈善组织的发起人克里斯蒂 特林顿 伯恩斯称,目前他们正致力于提高公众的意识,人们可以通过登陆www.facebook.com/HaveMom-entum浏览他们在Facebook上的网页来了解这件事情,并奉献出自己的一份爱心。
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The group says:这家慈善机构称:
15 percent of all pregnancies result in a potentially fatal complication during labor or delivery.15%的孕妇在劳作或分娩时会受到致命的并发症的威胁。
Pregnancy is the biggest killer of girls ages 15-19 in the developing world.在发展中国家,怀孕成为杀死15至19这一年龄段女孩的罪魁祸首。
For every woman who dies in childbirth, 20 more suffer from debilitating complications.因难产致死的妇女中,20%的人是因为身体过于虚弱。
Every Mother Counts says a woman dies in child birth every 90 seconds and nine out of 10 maternal deaths are preventable, often through simple, common-sense, affordable solutions. The organization encourages cash donations as little as $5 and giving old cellphone to the group Hope Phones, which refurbishes old phones and donates the proceeds.据母爱如山的说法,每90秒钟就有一名妇女在分娩时死亡,而只要能得到简单、低廉、,符合常识的医疗救助,她们十有八九本可以都可以避免死亡的。母爱如山鼓励人们捐款捐物,钱无论多少都是一份爱心,也可将旧手机可以交给Hope Phones帮您翻新,所得收益也将捐献给需要的人。 |
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