Jessica: Sea selection? 哦,(chuckle) I see. In English, it's called "an open audition". Everyone can walk in the door, perform and compete, like American Idol.
YL: 没错,就是那种!原来这叫"open audition," open 开放的,audition, a-u-d-i-t-i-o-n, audition 试演选拔,连在一起,open audition 就是“海选”或是“甄选”。这么说,I am the winner of the open audition!
Jessica: Well, I don't think you can call yourself a "winner", because more than one person get selected in an open audition to advance to the next round.
YL: 也是,这次一共一百人过关,进入下一轮比赛。但不管怎样,I was selected!
Jessica: Yeah, congratulations! You can also say you made the cut.
YL: 哦,make the cut, 就是被选中,过关了。哎,那要是被刷下来,该怎么说呢?
Jessica: Then you could say you got eliminated. e-l-i-m-i-n-a-t-e-d, eliminated.
YL: 明白了,eliminate 是淘汰,被淘汰就是 get eliminated.
Jessica: That's right. I sure hope you can make it to the final round and not get eliminated! But first, tell me what you've learned today!