I'm not attracted to you. 你不吸引我.
"I'm not attracted to you." 这句话我在电视或电影上常听到, 可是说真的, 我常分不清楚他们倒底是说, "I'm not attractive to you." (我不吸引你) 还是 "I am not attracted to you." (我不被你吸引) 偏偏这两句话意思刚好相反. 天啊 ! 不过呢, 后来我才发现百分之九十九的时候当你听到这句话时, 他们说的都是, "I am not attracted to you." 也就是 "I don't like you." 这句话比较婉转的说法.
其实想想, 说 "I'm not attracted to you." 真的比直接了当地说, "I don't like you." 好多了, 说 "I don't like you." 多么地刺耳啊, 所以如果别人跟你告白时 , 但你对他并没有意思时, 不妨客气一点地说, "I'm not attracted to you, but we still can be friends." (你不吸引我, 但我们还是可以当朋友. )