本帖最后由 xuxiaolin 于 2011-11-17 21:28 编辑
1、 沙拉不是炒的
Susan cooked this salad. F
Susan made this salad. T
英语里表达“做饭做菜”这个意思多用cook一词。只要是涉及煎炒烹炸等“开火动作”,cook就可以派上用场。如“做菜”(炒菜)可用cook a dish表达;还有cook a meal(做一顿饭)和cook dinner(做晚餐)等说法。但是沙拉、凉菜、糕点一类不用开火就能做的美味,通常不用cook,而是要用更神通广大的make,如:make a cake。
A traffic accident happened in the centre of the road. F
A traffic accident happened in the middle of the road. T
center指的是一个“面”的中心点,如the center of the square(广场的正中央);而道路通常被视为一条“线”,你很难找出它的center在哪里。“路中间”这个概念,只能用middle来表示。
Most western people have high noses. F
Most western people have long noses. T
The French restauant at the street corner attracts lots of customers. F
The French restauant at the street corner attracts lots of guests. T
“顾客就是上帝”,中国人习惯把一切消费者都称为“顾客”,但英语中customer通常只包含买东西的“客”,食客、房客则用guest表示。We have three guests to dinner.我们有三位客人来吃饭。
I visited an ill colleague in the hospital. F
I visited an sick colleague in the hospital. T
中国人总喜欢把‘ill’ 和“生病”画上等号,真是大错特错。‘ill’ 放在名词前意为“邪恶的”,如ill will表示“恶意” 6、极地冰屋 在南极点上建了个基地。 They have set up a basis at the South Pole. F They have set up a base at the South Pole. T sis作为“基础”的意思非常抽象,如:What is the basis of your opinion?你观点的根据是什么?当表示钢筋水泥造成的“基地”时,用更简单的base就可以了。base还可以表示棒球的“垒”。 7、人非鼠辈 原始人被发现居住在山洞里。 Primitive people were found to live in holes. F Primitive people were found to live in caves. T 不要看见“洞”就想到hole------给一个不太权威的“标准”吧:直径在10厘米以上的“洞”,无论如何都不是hole。山上的“山洞”,应该就做cave。
中国南方的天气比北方温和一些。 South China has a milder weather than the north. F South China has a milder climate than the north. T 汉语里说的“天气”,在英语中对应两个单词:weather和climate。weather通常是:“就事论事”,例如Today‘s weather is fine(今天天气好)。climate则指“一年四季的天气”,也就是所说的“气候”.
她被北京大学录取的可能性很大。 There is a good opportunity that she will be admitted by Peking University. F There is a good chance he will be admitted by Peking University. T chance最常用意思是“机会”,也只有这种情况下opportunity才是它的近义词。本句中调皮的chance换了一幅面孔-----可能性,这下无论opportunity多么能体现你的英语水平,不能用在这里了。 The chances are ten to one that our team will win,十之八九我们队会获胜。(chance当“可能性”讲时也可以用复数) The new job is a great opportunity for me .这份工作对我来说是一个很好的机会。(我很重视这份工作哦!)
牛羊们在草地上吃草 Cattle and sheep are feeding on the lawn. F Cattle and sheep are feeding on the meadow. T 虽然都和“草”有关,但lawn和meadow有本质区别。lawn指住宅旁边人工种植的草坪,成本很高,而且需要有人按时修剪(mow the lawn),否则主人要被罚钱:We hired a boy to mow the lawn.我们雇了个男孩来修剪草坪。而meadow则指天然“草地”是放牧牛羊的好地方。如果主人没富裕到用草坪草喂牛羊的程度,这句话肯定是错的。