本帖最后由 Rachel0818 于 2013-5-10 10:16 编辑

【killing two pigs with one bird】 A modern version of the popular saying "killing two birds with one stone." derived from the popular video game "angry birds." 面对那肥猪们的堡垒,鸟儿以自己的身体为武器,它如同是一颗颗炮弹将肥猪们销毁,这是愤怒小鸟的乐趣。也正是它的流行,才有了killing two pigs with one bird,更是killing two birds with one stone的新说法,比喻一举两得。 【例句】 A: When I was at the gas station, they fixed my tires and washed my windshield. 去加油站时,他们调校了我的轮胎又洗了我的挡风玻璃。 B: That's killing two pigs with one bird. 那真是一举两得啊。 |