Ailments,symptoms and injuries
What's the matter? What's the matter?
I have a/an (1-19). I have (20-27)
1.headache 20.(the) hiccups 打嗝
2.earache 21.(the) chills 打哆嗦
3.toothache 22.cramps 抽筋
4.stomachache 23.diarrhea 拉肚子
5.backache 24.chest pain
6.sore throat 25.shortness of breath
7.fever / temperature 26.laryngitis 喉炎
8.cold 27.hepatitis 肝炎
12.rash 疹子
13.insect bite 昆虫叮咬
14.sunburn 晒伤
15.stiff neck 脖子发僵
16.runny nose 流鼻涕
17.bloody nose 流鼻血
18.cavity 蛀牙
19.wart 瘤
what's the matter? What's the matter?
I feel (28-31). I (39-48)+ed my....
I'm (32-33). (49-50).
I'm (34-38)+ing.
28.faint 没力气 39.tiwst 扭伤 (腰)
29.dizzy 头昏眼花 40.sprain 扭伤(手腕,脚腕)
30.nauseous 恶心 41.dislocate 脱臼
31.bloated 肿胀,膨胀的 42.scratch 擦,搔痒
32.congested 堵塞的 43.scrape 擦去
33.exhausted 精疲力尽的 44.bruise 擦伤,碰伤,瘀伤
34.sneeze 打喷嚏 45.burn 烧伤
35.wheeze 喘 46.break-broke 打破,磕破
36.burp 打嗝 47.hurt-hurt
37.vomit/throw up 呕吐 48.cut-cut
38.bleed 流血 49.swollen 浮肿的
50.itchy 发痒的
How do you feel?
Not so good./Not very well./Terrible!
I'm sorry to hear that.