hquake, making it difficult to reach some parts of the province. Xinhua news agency says the first team of rescue workers arrived in Baoxing Monday. Authorities say the road was cut off by an aftershock-triggered landslide. Sichuan official Chen Kefu says that at least 410,000 are in need of temporary assistance. William Ide,Beijing.__________________当局表示,自周六发生地震以来,该地区已经历2200多起余震,这导致该省的一些地区难以进入. 新华社称第一批的救援人员在周一抵达宝兴县.当局称余震引发的山体滑坡切断了道路.四川省官员陈克复称至少有41万名灾民需要临时救助.威廉?艾德,北京报道.