- 1
- 帖子
- 16997
- 积分
- 27269
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- 100503 个
- 金币
- 1182 个
- 性别
- 女
- 在线时间
- 6991 小时
Weather is a daily topic so try to digest the following expression about weather to make yourself talkative.
好天气good weather
坏天气bad weather
刮风的天气windy weather
雨天rainy weather
晴朗的天气fine weather
阴冷的天气raw weather
微湿的天气moist weather
阴沉的天气damp weather
潮湿的天气dull weather
湿润的天气humid weather
闷热的天气sultry weather
酷热的天气tropical weather
有雾的天气misty weather
美好的天气lovely weather
vile, harsh) weather
严寒的天气frosty weather
寒冷的天气cold weather
温暖的天气warm weather
多雨的天气wet weather
雾茫茫的天气foggy weather
晴空万里的天气fair weather
妙不可言的天气glorious weather
烟雾迷漫的天气hazy weather
暴风雨的天气stormy weather
风雨交加的天气severe weather
使人倦懒的天气lazy weather
阴晴不定的天气broken weather
变化无常的天气unsettled weather
阳光明媚的天气sunny weather
严酷的气候stern climate
南方的气候southern climate
北方的气候northern climate
温暖的气候warm climate
干燥的气候dry climate
海岛的气候insular climate
炎热的气候hot / torrid climate
狂热的气候extreme climate
酷热的气候scorching climate
湿润的气候humid climate
寒冷的气候cold climate
高寒性气候arctic climate
大陆性气候continental climate
热带性气候tropical climate
不冷不热的气候moderate climate
变化莫测的气候treacherous climate
风和日丽的气候soft climate
恶劣的气候vile / harsh climate
致命的气候death-dealing climate
对健康有害的气候unhealthy climate
温和的气候mild climate
宜人的气候congenial climate
对健康有益的气候health / healthy climate |