The Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has promised to help Afghanistan in its attempts to seek peace with the Taliban. Mr. Sharif was visiting Afghanistan for the first time since he took office in May. From Kabul Karen Allen reports. ________________________________Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif assured President Hamid Karzai that Pakistan would facilitate efforts to reopen peace talks with the Taliban. Key to this was a promise to ensure a meeting would take place between Afghan representatives and an influential Taliban commander, Mullah Baradar who was recently released from custody in Pakistan but whose whereabouts remains unknown. 巴基斯坦总理纳瓦兹`谢里夫承诺将在阿富汗推进与塔利班和平进程中助一臂之力.这是谢里夫自五月就任以来首次出访阿富汗.凯伦`阿伦自喀布尔发回报道. _____________________________纳瓦兹`谢里夫总理向哈米德`卡扎依总统承诺,巴基斯坦将帮助促进与塔利班和谈的重新开启,而此事的关键是确保阿富汗代表与塔利班举足轻重的人物--穆拉`巴拉达司令之间的会议顺利举行.这位司令被巴基斯坦拘禁后于近日释放,尚无人知其下落.