"In many places, homes were absolutely destroyed, taken away. There's just sticks and bricks, basically. It's hard to tell if there was a structure there or not. If you get into some of the major neighborhoods, you can't tell where the streets were. The street signs are gone. And that's been a big challenge for us -- being able to determine which area of a community we might be in because the streets are just gone, the signs are just gone."她说,"很多地方的住宅完全被毁,只剩下砖瓦木梁,很难说是否还存在基本的建筑结构.如果进到一些主要的社区,你说不出街道在哪.街道的标志已经不复存在.这成为我们面临的一个重大挑战,那就是确定我们在哪个社区,因为街道和街道标志都不复存在了."