Demonstrators recently protested outside the British Treasury to call on the world's richest countries to end so called tax havens. These tax haven policies allow companies to move their profits to countries with lower taxes. An investigation found that this practice costs Africa alone $38 billion a year in lost taxes. Former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan led the investigation.示威者最近在英国财政部外面抗议,呼吁全球最富有的国家终结所有的避税天堂.这些避税天堂政策允许企业将其利润转移到低税收的国家.一项调查发现,仅非洲每年就因为这种做法遭受380亿美元的税收损失.联合国前秘书长科菲`安南(Kofi Annan)领导这项调查.