_________________________________The 800-year-old structure, which is a Unesco World Heritage Site, stands beside a river in Ghor province, and its base was badly damaged in floods last year. The circular minaret - described byUnesco as a graceful, soaring structure - is famous for its elaborate brickwork. It's the second tallest brick minaret in the world. World News from the BBC ___________________________________这座有800年历史的建筑被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产.此塔坐落于古尔省境内的一条河边,在去年的洪水中塔基遭到破坏.这座曾被联合国教科文组织形容为优美典雅、高耸入云的圆柱形尖塔,因其塔身精美的砖砌而著称.其高度在世界砖砌高塔中位居第二.BBC世界新闻.