____________________________________________. The nine were found guilty of chipping off fragments of a stone from inside the great Pyramid of Giza. The German researchers who were tried in absentia were hoping to prove that the Pyramid dated back to a pre-Egyptian civilization. The world's most expensive watch has sold at an auction in Geneva for 21.3 million dollars. Made from 24 karate gold and weighing half a kilogram, the grave super complication was made for American financier Henry Graves Junior in the 1930s. It took 8 years for the Swiss watchmaker Patek Philippe to complete. _________________________________________. 9名犯罪嫌疑人因从吉萨金字塔内部的一块石头上剥落碎片而被逮捕.受审的德国研究人员称其盗窃原因是想证明吉萨金字塔历史可追溯到埃及文明出现之前. 世界上最昂贵的手表在日内瓦以2130万美元的价格出售.这款手表由24克拉黄金打造,重达0.5千克,这块重量级手表由美国金融家亨利?格拉芙?朱尼尔在20世纪30年代定制.由瑞士钟表制造商百达翡丽耗时8年时间打造完成.