The school started using assistive technology six years ago. It enables blind and visually-impaired students to get information from computers and iPads. Zachary Muasya was born blind. __________________________"Assistive technology equips the learners with very many skills that really make them independent in life," says Muasya. "They can read materials like books, magazines, newspapers by themselves. And apart from that -- assistive technology equips them with employable skills."该学校六年前开始使用辅助技术,使盲人和视力受损的学生可以通过电脑和iPad获取信息. Zachary Muasya天生失明,______________________________Muasya 说:"辅助技术让学习者具备许多真正能让他们自己在生活中独立的技能.他们能自己阅读书籍、杂志、报纸等.除此之外,辅助技术还让他们具备了就业技能."