__________________________________________________Anne Schuchat at the centers for disease control and prevention says the virus has been linked to a broader range of birth defects. Pregnant women were vulnerable to contracting the disease for longer than previously thought. "We absolutely need to be ready, everything we look at with this virus seems to be a bit scarier than we initially thought, and so well we absolutely hope we don't see widespread local transmit in the continental US, we need the states to be ready for that, we can't assume we are not going to have a big problem, we know with other viruses which had bigger problems than we expected, so we're taking this very seriously." _________________________________________________________疾病预防和控制中心的安妮.斯图查特认为寨卡病毒与大规模先天畸形紧紧相关.孕妇被病毒感染的可能性比先前估计的更高.\"我们必须严阵以待,病毒比我们早先预期的更加可怕.我们不能预测今后会不会有大问题,其他病毒也曾导致超出我们预期的困境,因此我们必须认真对待.