
Besides helping with spelling and word meanings, being able to use a dictionary effectively and regularly is a perfect way to improve your English language skills through the dictionary's range of other helpful information on everyday language usage and grammar.
1.Choose the right dictionary 选一本合适的词典 Upgrade your dictionary every now and then so that you have access to the latest new words that are added to the dictionary every year.

2.Find the section of the dictionary with first letter of your word 找到词典中单词首字母所在那部分 Dictionaries follow alphabetical order. For example, "dog" begins with "d" which means that it will be in the section after "c" and before "e".
词典都是按字母表顺序来排列的,比如说“dog”的首字母是“d”,这就意味着“d“这个部分一定是在“c”部分之后,在“e”部分之前。 如何查找你听到的单词: Don't forget the possible spellings for trickier words, such as "gnome" begins with a voiceless "g", or "psychology" begins with a voiceless"p",or "knock" begins with a voiceless "k", etc.
If you're not entirely sure what the first letter is, start with the letter it sounds like.If you can't find the word under that section, then try other sections.
Also, keep in mind that certain words sound alike that are spelled very differently. For example, "throne" and "thrown" are spelled differently and mean verydifferent things. So be careful that you end up with the correct word.

3.Read the guide words 查看单词的索引 These are the two words at the top of the page that tell you what types of words are on the page. These words will help you find the word you're looking for in the right letter section.
For example if you're looking for the word "bramble" you would begin looking in the "B" section.You would look at the tops of the pages as you went through it until you came to the page with the guide words "braid bread."This tells you that all the words between braid and bread are on this page. Since "bramble" starts with "b-r-a" it will be in this section.
比如你要查找“bramble”这个单词,你肯定会从“B”部分开始查找。你可以看看书页顶部的单词指引快速翻阅,直到翻到“braid bread”作为引导词的那一页,这意味着这页的单词是从“braid”开始到“bread”结束的。因而以“b-r-a”开头的“bramble”这个词肯定会出现在这一页。