4. Ear candling. 耳烛疗法

The practice of ear candling - yes, ear candling - involves putting a lit, cone-shaped candle inside your ear. People who do it say it's helpful for relieving earwax and treating some infections. According to the Mayo Clinic, not so much. 耳烛疗法就是把点燃的锥形蜡烛伸进耳朵里。耳烛疗者认为这样有助于去除耳垢,治疗某些感染。据梅约疗养院(注:美国著名私人医院)称,耳烛疗法其实没有这么多疗效。 "Research shows," they write, "that ear candling is ineffective at removing earwax and is also not an effective treatment for any other conditions." Plus, the practice can end up pushing earwax deeper into your ear. Even worse, you can burn your face, hair, scalp, or ear. So don't. “研究显示,耳烛疗法无法有效清除耳垢,而且对其他病症也没有什么疗效。”此外,这么做还可能将耳垢推得更深,更糟糕的是可能还会烧到你的脸、头发、头皮或耳朵。因此,还是算了吧。 5. Avoiding gluten. 避免谷蛋白

Unless you're one of the 1% of Americans who suffer from celiac disease, gluten probably won't have a negative effect on you. In fact, studies show that most people suffer from slight bloating and gas when they eat, whether they consume wheat or not. So go ahead and eat that bagel. 除非你是百分之一的美国腹腔疾病患者中的一员,否则谷蛋白可能不会影响你的健康。事实上,研究表明,大多数人进食时都有轻微的胃胀气,无论是否吃了小麦。所以放心地吃面包圈吧。 6. Juicing. 榨汁

When you juice fresh fruits and veggies, you remove all of their fiber, the key ingredient that keeps you feeling full and satisfied until your next meal. 把水果和蔬菜榨汁会破坏果蔬纤维,这是制造饱腹感且让你撑到下顿饭的关键成分。 What you keep is the sugar. In the short term, a high-sugar, low-protein diet means constant hunger pangs, mood swings, and low energy. In the long term, you can lose muscle mass since muscles rely on protein. 而榨汁保存下来的是糖分。从短期来看,高糖低蛋白饮食会导致持续的饥饿感、情绪波动以及低能量。长此以往你的肌肉可能会减少,因为肌肉依赖于蛋白质。 7. Avoiding MSG. 避免味精

Monosodium glutamate is an ingredient added to many foods to enhance their flavor. It's completely safe to ingest. 许多食物中都添加了味精来提味。食用味精完全是安全的。 MSG is often associated with a series of symptoms, from numbness at the base of the neck to a general sense of fatigue, that are commonly lumped together and called "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome." Eating too much is the more likely culprit here, not eating MSG. 人们通常将味精与颈部下端麻木、疲劳感等一系列症状联系到一起,并将其统称为“中国餐馆综合症”。但这些病症的罪魁祸首可能是吃得太多,而不是吃了味精。 8. Going on a "detox" diet. “排毒”饮食

No one needs to detox. Unless you've been poisoned, you already have a superefficient system for filtering out most of the harmful substances you eat. It's made up of two toxin-bashing organs: the liver and the kidneys. 没有人需要排毒,除非你中毒了。肝脏和肾脏是净化毒素的两大器官,它们已经可以高效过滤人体摄入的大部分有害物质。 |