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今天,华生在办公室想找Jack无果,正巧遇到了一位新来的菜鸟 Zhang。于是我便问他……
“Hi Zhang, could you please ask Jack to come to my office?”
“Sorry, Mr. Watson. I’m afraid I can’t.”
“Because he is not in today.”
“So, what happened to him?”
“He is having maternity leave.”
华生可不会以为Jack真的是休“产假”去了,除非他去做了变性手术。所以,这件事只有两个可能:一是他故意糊弄别人,连藉口都没编好就想旷工;二是这位帮他传话的Tim把paternity leave(陪产假)说成了maternity leave(产假)。
休假 - Leave
Leave: time that you are allowed to spend away from your work
年假 - annual leave
Annual: happening once a year
事假(无薪假) - unpaid leave
Unpaid: done without receiving payment
病假 - sick leave
Sick: suffering from a disease or illness
丧假 - mourning Leave
Mourning: great sadness because someone has died
婚假 - marriage leave
Marriage: the relationship between two people who are married, or the state of being married
产检假 - prenatal check-up
Prenatal: relating to unborn babies and the care of pregnant women
Check-up: a general medical examination that a doctor or dentist gives you to make sure you are healthy
产假 - maternity leave
Maternity: relating to a woman who is pregnant or who has just had a baby
陪产假 - paternity leave
Paternity: the fact of being the father of a particular child
哺乳假 - lactation Leave
Lactation: the production of milk by a woman or female animal
多胎假 - multiple birth leave
Multiple: many, or involving many things, people, events etc
Birth: if a woman gives birth, she produces a baby from her body
She's on maternity leave
He's on paternity leave
He's off sick today
He's not in today
She's on holiday
I'm afraid I'm not well and won't be able to come in today.
如果这10种请假的英语单词让你受用的话,也【分享】给朋友们看看吧。当然你和同事别扎堆请假,不然你的老板会来找华生麻烦的。 |
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