We’d divorced three years earlier and hadn’t seen each other since, but for whatever reason, I never took her off my emergency contact list at the nearest hospital.
我们三年前就离婚了,在那之后也没有见过面,但不知道因为什么原因,我在最近的医院留紧急联系人的时候总是会留她的联系方式。 After my accident, I was put in a medically induced coma, and when I woke, she was the only person in the room.
She sat in a hospital recliner, watching The View, looking unshowered.
她坐在医院的躺椅上,正在看《观点》(电视节目),看起来没有洗澡。 She turned her head casually as I slowly came to.
当我缓慢地回过神来的时候,她随意地转过头来。 “It’s just like you to have something like this happen,” she said. “I’m here, so I figure I’ll get us something to eat. What do you want?”
“这种事发生在你身上真是一点也不奇怪,”她说,“我来了,我猜我得给咱们俩弄点吃的。你想吃什么?” Marriage is just marriage. True love is somethig way beyond that.
婚姻只是婚姻而已,而真爱远不止于此。 Our marriage ended years ago.
我们的婚姻在几年前就结束了 But the bond between us has stayed strong.
但我们之间的羁绊却依旧牢固。 And I'm sure it's even stronger than what most couples have.