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发表于 2018-4-30 18:44
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Live with integrity (诚实)

“The great majority of us are required to live a life of constant duplicity (口是心非). Your health is bound to be affected if, day after day, you say the opposite of what you feel, if you grovel (低声下气) before what you dislike, and rejoice at what brings you nothing but misfortune.”——Boris Pasternak

Living with integrity means being an open, honest person. It means saying what you think, not in an arrogant, conceited way, which is usually a sign of an inferiority complex (自卑感), but because you shouldn’t hide what you believe. If you are not true to yourself—if you are dishonest, if you hide part of yourself, either as a defense mechanism or to get a promotion or make money, you will create what I have heard called an “inner darkness”, and this will haunt (困扰) you.
You might be able to succeed in some senses by being dishonest and duplicitous, but in the end you will be unable to face yourself, and if you cannot look in the mirror with a clear conscience, how can you be yourself?
Don’t take yourself so seriously

“When you can laugh at yourself, you are free.”——Ted Loder

Will the world stop turning if you screw up (把事情弄糟)? Believe it or not, the world got along fine without you for millions of years, and will do so long after you’re gone. So keep things in perspective. Will any of this matter in a year, ten year, 100 years? In many ways, the world is a ridiculous place, full of crazy things that make no sense at all. You can’t make sense of it all however hard you try. It is what it is, and so are you, with all your contradictions and faults and failings. Remember the old saying: ‘Laugh and the world laughs with you.’ So relax, lighten up; don’t get things out of proportion.
你把事情办砸,世界就会因此停止运转吗?信不信由你,这个世界没有你也已经顺利地运转亿万年了,而且在你消失之后还将依然如此。因此,凡事都要放眼长远。在一年、十年或是一百年之后,所有这些烦恼还有意义吗?在很多方面,这个世界荒诞无稽,充满疯狂可笑、毫无意义之事,无论你如何努力都无法赋予它任何意义。世界原本如此,你也一样——总是有你的矛盾、缺点和失败。记住这句老话吧:“笑对世界,世界便会同你一起欢笑。”所以,放松自己,轻松面对吧;不要小题大做,自寻烦恼。 |