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第五题 The phrase “the linguistically oppressed”(Line 6, Para. 4) refers to those who were_________.
题解: 本题的短文中的位置与第四题在同一句话中,但答题的线索却不相同。它的线索其实是基于对全文的理解。本文主要是就英语教师的问题,将过去和现在人们对native English speakers和non-native English speakers的英语教师的态度和评判的标准加以对比。在第二段(问题的第一题)指出在过去,只要是native English speaker,你就能是英语教师了,这暗示人们对native English speaker的盲目倾向;第三段指出了人们现在评判英语教师的标准(第二题),最后一句说,“Non-natives are happy--- linguistic discrimination(语言上的歧视)is a thing of the past”,言外之意是过去Non-natives 在过去是受歧视的。那么“受歧视的”与“受压迫的”明显指的是同一种人,所以本题的答案很简单,就是non-native English speakers 的英语教师,可以用英语表达为:non-native teachers of English。
但本题中有一个陷阱,就是前面的it singled out the unqualified。在过去受压迫的non-native teachers of English中肯定也有合格的和不合格的,所以显然不是所有的non-native teachers of English都被解放了,那些不合格的还是被剔除了。所以如果只答出non-native teachers of English的话,只是理解对了一半,最终本题的正确答案应该是在non-native teachers of English前加上qualified一词。
要点: (1)问题中要填的是定语从句的表语部分,表示“什么样的人”,因此本题的作答应该是名词短语而不要用句子。
(2)题干中的“who were”表明这是过去时,这是一个重要的线索。
l 标准答案:
qualified non –native teachers of English.
l 可得2分的回答:
1) qualified in teaching English but were non-native speakers.
2) good English teachers but were non-natives.
3) non-native English teachers who could teach English effectively.
l 可得1.5分的回答:
1) non-native speakers but have the ability to teach well.
回答中没有明确讲教什么课程教的好,与短文意义略有差异,扣0.5分。如果是“teach English”的话,就对了。
2) able to teach English but not a native English speaker.
3) the non-native speakers who are qualified for the job.
l 可得1分的回答:
1) non-native English teachers
短文中对的定义中包含两方面的定义:1. non-native ,2. qualified。回答中只涉及定义的一方面,扣1分。
2) non-native English teachers but had the required level of English.
3) qualified but unemployed for their being non-native speakers
l 可得0.5分的回答:
1) non-native English teachers without right treatment. 回答不全面,且有部分内容有语言错误,扣1.5分。
2) non-native English speaker and have the required level of English.回答不全面,且有语言错误,扣1.5分。
l 得0分的回答:
1) employed as a teacher.
2) the native speakers
3) employers who have required level but a non-native.
回答答非所问或完全理解错误,不得分 |