Dawei Li
** Renmin Road, Apt. ***
City Postcode
Mobile phone *********** Objective: To obtain a responsible position in financial management at a Sino-foreign joint venture.
Experience: 1995 Present ***** Finance Bureau. Responsibilities include planning, implementing and supervising financial policies planning and implementing financial projects of the city's infrastructure managing cash resources; meeting financial bodies; allotment audit; project budgeting; variance analysis, credit approval; management of bank balances and long-term money management. Education: 1991--1995 B.S. in Finance, Central University of Finance Curriculum Included:
Management Science Business Economics
Financial Management Statistics
Monetary Management Principles of Accounting
Auditorial Science Banking Laws
Basic Accounting Accounting Computerization
Financial Rules Foreign-oriented Accounting 1985--1991 Zheng Chenggong Memorial Middle School.
English Proficiency: College English Test-Band Six.
Sex: Male. Born: November 7, 1972. Birthplace: Amoy. Health: Excellent. Political Status: CPC member. References: furnished upon request.
I affirm that the above statements are true and correct in every respect.
Signature. Jingyuan Cheng
Place. Amoy
Date- May 28, 2002