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标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(34)a [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-3 17:09     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(34)a

Test ThirtyFour
roughly, approximately, about, around
作“大约”讲,可与approximately互相使用,但它不如前者那样强调对精确度的接近,但它后面的数或量都是明确的,没有“多少不定”的意思,如,不可说“about more than two”。
Roughly speaking, I think we are heading for the depression.大体说来,我认为我们正走向萧条。
It was approximately 100°F in the shade.在荫凉处温度约为华氏100度。
There are about 60 people in the room.这房间里大约有60个人。
He went to bed around midnight.他大约半夜才去睡觉。
accumulate, amass
The accumulated evidence isn’t enough to ensure his conviction.已收集到的证据还不足以给他定罪。
My savings are accumulating interest.我的储蓄不断生息。
Fat will be accumulated in your body if you stop doing sports.如果你停止运动,脂肪就会积聚于体内。
A speculator may try to amass great wealth.投机商会想方设法积聚钱财。
assemble, collect, gather
Assemble your papers and put them in this file.把你的论文收集起来,放在这个文件夹里。
You must gather the students to your side.你必须把学生团结到你这一边来。
People gathered in crowds on the street waiting for the news of victory.人们成群结队地聚集在街上,等待着胜利的消息。
My son likes collecting stamps.我儿子喜欢集邮。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-3 17:10     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(34)b


1. Only in the dream world ____ moments of desolation or terror that are worse than anything we have known under the sun.

A. there isB. there areC. is thereD. are there

2. Would you please ____ spoil any material?

A. notB. not toC. to notD. don’t

3. ____ in physical shape, he dropped out of the University of Syracuse.

A. As he was badB. Bad as he was

C. Bad although he was D. Bad though he was

4. I hope you don’t mind me ____ you sir, but is there much money involved in the will?

A. askingB. to askC. askD. that I ask

5. The reason Beethoven went away to the country is ____.

A. that he was gradually going deaf

B. because he was gradually going deaf

C. on account of the fact that he was gradually going deaf 

D. since he was gradually going deaf

6. “I often feel a sudden fast heart beat when I’m idle.”“You should stop your exercising and need ____” check your heart

B. to have your heart checked

C. to have checked your heart 

D. to be checked your heart

7. When I finish the story, Lenin jumped up from his chair and started pacing the floor, ____, deep in thought.

A. with his head bendingB. in his head bent

C. his head bendingD. his head bent

8. But what ____ to define his personality is a driven concentration on his work, compulsive attention to every aspect of creating musicals.

A. seems most B. is mostly

C. is mostD. seems mostly

9. Switzerland is ____ a place to indulge in all your favorite winter sports; it’s also a marvellous spot to relax.

A. rather thanB. more than 

C. else thanD. other than

10. I am lucky ____ the thing I enjoy doing most is ____ I’ve ended up doing.

A. when... thatB. if...what

C. that... whatD. that...that

11. Please ____ your voice if you have any questions to ask the chairman.

A. riseB. raiseC. liftD. enlarge

12. Owen obviously had no ____ of doing any work that day, although it was only a week before the English Test.

A. ambitionB. desireC. intentionD. wish

13. The National Gallery in London has more visitors than ____any other because of its free admission.

A. practicallyB. reallyC. actuallyD. completely

14. On that bitterly cold winter night , few people walked along the ______ narrow streets.

A. lonelyB. neglectedC. desertedD. isolated

15. If you keep gettingwrong numbers, your phone could be ____.

A. defectiveB. ineffectiveC. deficientD. deceptive

16. Mr.Johnson had a terrible cold and could not stop ____.

A. yawningB. sighingC. sneezingD. spitting

17. The chairman asked the members to ____ their votes for or against the proposal.

A. castB. throwC. bidD. offer

18. She was barred from the golf club for refusing to ____with the request.

A. conformB. adhereC. abideD. comply

19. She always ____ the smell of fresh bread with her aunt, who loved baking.

A. associatedB. connectedC. attributedD. contributed

20. Even when the strike was over, and the wages dispute had been ______ , it took several weeks for the country to get cleaned up completely.

A. settledB. evenedC. calmedD. relieved

21. She was paid by the hour, and she managed to keep her family with herpitiful____.

A. salaryB. wagesC. stipendD. payment

22. A plane is a ____ and so is a car.

A. transportB. driveC. vehicleD. carriage

23. Tony was in plain clothes, watching for a ____ character at London Airport all night.

A. suspiciousB. suspectC. susceptibleD. doubtful

24. At first she thought he was joking. It took Jason twenty minutes to convince her that he was ____.

A. earnestB. realC. genuineD. serious

25. You may even become a head waiter eventually. If you have the rightsortof ____ and are not afraid of hard work.

A. natureB. personalityC. temperD. character
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-3 17:11     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(34)c


1. D)【句意】只有在梦乡世界才有比人世间任何东西都遭的荒凉或恐怖时刻。

【难点】only 引导倒装句,主语moments 是复数,所以选D)。

2. A)【句意】你不毁坏东西不好吗?

【难点】would you please 句型的否定式要在please后加not,not 后使用动词原形。

3. A)【句意】由于身体不好,他从塞路克斯大学辍学了。

【难点】As he was bad 是原因状语从句,as 是“因为”的意思。Bad as he was 是一个让步状语从句,采用的是半倒装形式,意为“尽管他很糟”。C)和D)两项不成立。

4. A)【句意】我希望你不要介意我问你一个问题,遗嘱里涉及钱的问题了吗?

【难点】mind 后接动名词或物主代词加动名词或者人称代词加动名词。

5. A)【句意】贝多芬去乡下的原因是他正在逐渐变聋。


6. B)【句意】“我闲着没事的时候,常感觉心脏跳得特厉害。”“你应该停止锻炼,检查一下心脏。”

【难点】need 在本句中作实义动词,后接动词不定式。have sth done 是一个常用的使动结构。

7. D)【句意】我讲完故事后,列宁从椅子上跳了起来,开始在屋子里踱来踱去,低着头,陷入沉思。

【难点】his head bent 是独立结构, his head 是逻辑主语,bent 是逻辑谓语。

8. A)【句意】但似乎最能解释他人格的东西是,工作注意力集中是被迫的,注意创作音乐剧的每个方面也是被迫的。

【难点】seem后加不定式to do 是seem 的用法之一。Most和mostly 不同,most 是最高级,表示程度,而mostly意思是“主要地,大部分地,多半;通常”。全句的主语是what 引导的what从句。

9. B)【句意】瑞士不仅仅是一个能使人沉湎于你最喜爱的冬季体育运动的地方,而且是一个休闲娱乐的风景地。

【难点】more than 意为“不仅仅”;rather than 意为“而不是”;else than 不是固定搭配;other than意为“除了”。

10. C)【句意】我很幸运,我最喜欢做的事是我已不再做的事。

【难点】I’m lucky 后接that 从句作宾语;宾语从句中的主语是the thing, the thing 后是定语从句;宾语从句中的表语是what引导的what从句。

11. B)【句意】如果有问题要问主席,请大点声。

【难点】raise意为“提高;增大;提升”,是及物动词;rise意为“上升”,是个不及物动词;lift意为“提高;提高…的地位”,主要指的是提起一重物;enlarge 意为“扩大,扩展,扩充”。

12. C)【句意】尽管距离英语考试只有一周时间,那天欧文还是明显地没有做任何工作的意图。

【难点】intention意为“意图,目的”,常用于the intention of doing sth 的结构中;ambition意为“雄心,野心”;desire意为“愿望,欲望,渴望”,后常接动词不定式作定语;wish 意为“希望,想要”,但和desire有所不同。wish 和 desire辨析wish 常用于主观愿望或难以实现或不可能实现的愿望;desire强调主观愿望的迫切性,系书面语,用于正式场合或文章中,有尽力争取或需要尽力争取之意。

13. A)【句意】由于不收门票,伦敦国家美术馆比任何其它美术馆接纳的来访者都多。

【难点】practically 意为“几乎,差不多”;really 意为“很,十分;全然”;actually 意为“实际上”;completely意为“完全地,完整地”。

14. C)【句意】在那个寒冷的冬夜,很少有人在这空无一人的窄巷上行走。

【难点】deserted 意为“无人居住的,空无一人的”;lonely意为“寂寞的”;neglected意为“被忽视的,被忽略的”;isolated意为“隔离的,分离的,孤立的”。

15. A)【句意】如果总有人打错你家电话,你的电话可能有毛病。

【难点】defective意为“有毛病的,有缺陷的”;ineffective 意为“无效的,无效果的”;deficient意为“缺乏的,不足的”,常指量的不足,不够;deceptive意为“骗人的”。

16. C)【句意】约翰逊先生得了重感冒,不停地打喷嚏。

【难点】sneeze 意为“打喷嚏”;yawn意为“打哈欠”;sigh意为“叹气,叹息”;spit 意为“吐痰,吐唾沫”。

17. A)【句意】主席请各位成员投票表示赞成或反对这个提议。

【难点】cast 意为“投,掷,扔”, cast votes 意为“投票”;bid 意为“喊价,出价”,是拍买和投标用语; throw 意为“投,掷,扔”;offer意为“出价,开价,报价”。throw 和cast 辨析:throw 指用手臂突然用力把某物向一定目标扔去。cast指用手向下把某物向一定目标抛去,一般投掷的东西较轻,并常用于比喻。

18. D)【句意】她因拒绝服从要求而被高尔夫俱乐部开除。

【难点】comply 意为“遵从,依从,顺从”,后接with; conform 意为“遵照,适应”,后接介词to; adhere 意为“坚持,遵守”,后接介词to;abide 后接by 意为“遵守,信守”。

19. A)【句意】她总是把鲜面包味与她婶婶联系起来,她婶婶很喜欢烤面包。

【难点】associate意为“(在思想上)把…联系在一起”,后常与with 连用;connect 意为“联接;联系”,指联系有形的物体;attribute意为“把归因于;把(过错等)归于”,后接介词 to; contribute 意为“捐款,捐助”。

20. A)【句意】即使在罢工结束、工资纠纷得到解决之后,还要花几星期时间这个国家才能清理干净。

【难点】settle 意为“解决(纠纷等);even意为“使平衡;拉平(比分)”; calm意为“使平静,使宁静,使镇定”; relieve 意为“缓解,减轻,解除,使解脱”。

21. B)【句意】她做钟点工,但还是能够以她微薄的工资养家。

【难点】wage 意为“工资”,常作复数使用;salary 意为“薪水,薪金”;stipend意为“(牧师、教师、公职人员等)薪奉,生活津贴”;payment意为“支付,付款”。

wages 和salary 辨析:wages 主要指以月,小时或计件为单位付薪的劳动收入,尤指每周或每两周付给的劳动(多是体力劳动)报酬。

salary 指固定年薪,常为一个月或更长时间付一次,且一般指职员,脑力劳动者的薪金。

22. C)【句意】飞机是运载机器,小汽车也是。

【难点】vehicle 意为“车辆,机动车,飞行器;运载器”;transport 意为“运输,交通”;drive意为“私人车道;(公园里的)车行道”; carriage意为“四轮马车,火车车厢”。

23. A)【句意】托尼身着便衣,整夜在伦敦机场监视一个可疑人物。

【难点】suspicious意为“令人怀疑的,可疑的”;suspect是名词,意为“嫌疑犯”;susceptible意为“敏感的,过敏的”,后接介词to;doubtful 意为“疑惑的,怀疑的”,常与about, of 连用,一般不修饰名词。

24. D)【句意】一开始她以为他开玩笑。杰森用了二十分钟才叫她相信他是认真的。

【难点】serious 意为“认真的;当真的”;earnest 意为“热切的,迫切的”;real 意为“真的,真正的”;genuine意为“真的;非人造的”。serious 指的是说话态度的认真,一本正经。real 和genuine辨析:real一般指真实或表里一致的事物,强调真实性。genuine表示某物本身质地是真的,纯粹的,不是假的或伪造的。

25. B)【句意】如果你人品好,不怕累,不怕苦,你最后有可能成为领班。

【难点】personality 意为“人格,个性”; nature 意为“天性,本性,性情”;temper 意为“心情,情绪,脾气”;character 意为“品德,品质,性格”,一般用于a man of good character这类词组中。

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