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标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(35)a [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-3 17:12     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(35)a

Test ThirtyFive
prohibit, forbid, ban
意为“(通过法律、法令、公告、严正警告)禁止某些事情”,该词应用范围比其他两个词广,其常用结构为prohibit sb. from doing sth.。
意为“禁止”,是这三个词中最普通的词。如果我们指一般意义上的“禁止某人做某事”,就要用forbid sb. to do sth.。
The law prohibits tobacconists from selling cigarettes to children.法律禁止烟草商卖给儿童香烟。
She had been strictly forbidden to drink beer.严禁她喝啤酒。
Bicycles are banned from the new motorway.自行车禁止通行于新建的快车道。
foretell, foresee, forecast, predict
The Gypsy foretold that the boy would become a king.那个吉普赛人预言这个男孩将会成为国王。
The difficulties could not have been foreseen.这些困难是无法预料的。
Who can forecast what the outcome of election will be?谁能预测出选举结果?
Economists are predicting a fall in interest rate.经济专家预言利率会下降。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-3 17:12     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(35)b


1. As, after his death, he defeated the forces of injustice, ____the position in art that had been kept from him during his life.

A. so did he gain B. so he gained 

C. and he gainedD. and gained

2. He thought he had lost his ____ for good. However, he found his pillow already taken by the dog when he entered the room.

A. beautiful yellow little dog

B. yellow beautiful little dog

C. little yellow beautiful dog

D. beautiful little yellow dog

3. In 1900, the place where he had been buried was finally discovered, marked only by ____, with even a simple stone.

A. the 61 numberB. the number 61st

C. the number 61 D. a 61number

4. More than a yearlater he arrived back in America ____.

A. ill, tired and unhappy

B. with ill, tired and unhappy

C. felt ill, tired and unhappy

D. he felt ill, tired and unhappy

5. She possessed a quick mind, a sharp tongue and ____a strong will.

A. above allB. first of allC. most of allD. moreover

6. “You know so much about literature. It’s a pity you failed your degree,” Harry said, “You ____ a good teacher.”

A. would have beenB. can have been

C. must beD. should have been

7. ____ scientists thought the Red Planet was as lifeless as the Moon with dust swirling over vast sandy deserts.

A. To begin with B. Beginning with 

C. It was begun with D. While beginning with

8. The girl always says to her boyfriend, “I do wish you____so much.”

A. haven’t smokedB. aren’t smoking

C. didn’t smokeD. don’t smoke

9. Since 1970, millions of enthusiasts ____ a substance which they believe can remedy the common cold — Vitamin C.

A. have takenB. have been taking 

C. have been takenD. have being taken

10.____ can make an immense contribution to the creation of peace and plenty in the world by taking care to understand other nations.

A. I and you and all the ordinary people

B. You and I and all the ordinary people

C. You and all the ordinary people and me

D. All the ordinary people and you and me

11. If you start as a junior bank clerk, you will have ____responsibilities connected with the handling of cheques.

A.minorB. lessC. smallD. little

12. The city postman has to go on foot, not only along streets, but also up and down stairs , as many ____ offlats have no lifts and no downstairs letter boxes.

A. flightsB. rowsC. blocksD. storeys

13. My father was a dentist in the little town all his life,and it was always taken for granted that I would take over his ____ when he retired.

A. practiceB. jobC. workD. post

14. The same can be said of factory farms, where animals are kept under very ____ conditions.

A. similarB. likelyC. closeD. like

15. There is so much terrorism that people are crying out and asking for more law and ____.

A. securityB. orderC. safetyD. protection

16. Colorblind people have difficulty ____ between blue and green.

A. separatingB. comparing

C. contrasting D. distinguishing

17. He felt ____ as soon as he realized that he has asked a foolish question.

A. boredB. embarrassed

C. displeased D.disappointed

18. The city was ____ to me, and I did not know where to go.

A. strangeB. oddC. uniqueD. curious

19. I’m in no ____ this evening to listen to his silly jokes.

A. feelingB. emotionC. moodD. tendency

20. The first,second and third prizes went to Bob,Jack and Henry ____.

A. differentlyB. separatelyC. respectivelyD.equally

21. These goods do not come up to the ____.

A. markB. signC. tokenD. signal

22. We express our thoughts by ____ of words.

A. methodB. wayC. mannerD. means

23. I hope you will be ____ in future about the things you say.

A. carefulB. attentiveC. cautiousD. precautious

24. Think carefully before you answer his questions. You may be ____ into giving away vital information.

A. caughtB. capturedC. seizedD. trapped

25. When operating a machine, we must use ____.

A. warningB. cautionC. adviceD. counsel
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-3 17:12     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(35)c


1. A)【句意】就像他死后战胜了非正义力量一样,他在远离他一生的艺术领域也取得了一席之地。

【难点】“As +句子,so +句子”这一结构意为“象…一样,…也…”。本句中so引导倒装。

2. D)【句意】他以为他永远失去了他那漂亮的小黄狗,可当他走进房间的时候,他发现枕头被小狗叼走了。

【难点】这是一个形容词作层迭修饰的问题。请参阅Test 7的“疑难攻破”。

3. C)【句意】1900年,他的埋葬地终于被发现,墓碑十分简单,上面只标刻着数字61。

【难点】61是个数字,并特指那个数字,所以用the number 61。

4. A)【句意】一年多以后,他回到了美国,又病又累,情绪低落。

【难点】ill ,tired and unhappy 作主语的补足语,说明主语的状态、特点。

5. A)【句意】她有副反应敏捷的大脑,一张利嘴,最重要的是,她有坚强的意志。

【难点】above all 意为“最重要的是”;first of all 意为“首先”;most of all 不是固定搭配;moreover 意为“而且”。

6. A)【句意】“约翰,你的文学知识很丰富,没拿到学位可真遗憾。”哈利说。“你本会成为一个好老师。”

【难点】failed your degree 是过去发生的行为,该句暗含这样一层意义:If you hadn’t failed your degree you would have been a good teacher.

7. A)【句意】一开始,科学家认为红行星就像月亮一样毫无生机,上面有尘土飞扬的沙漠。

【难点】to begin with 是习语搭配,意为“首先,一开始”。

8. C)【句意】这个女孩总跟男朋友说:“我真希望你不抽那么多烟。”

【难点】wish 后的that从句应使用虚拟语气,由于那个男朋友smoke是一般现在时行为,所以选didn’t smoke ,才符合语法要求。

9. B)【句意】1970年以来,数百万热心者一直在服用一种他们认为能治感冒的物质——维生素C。

【难点】与since 引导的时间状语相呼应,主句动词使用现在完成进行时。

10. B)【句意】如果用心去理解其它民族,你和我,以及所有的普通人就能够为世界和平和发展作出巨大贡献。


11. A)【句意】如果你一开始只作银行初级职员,你在处理支票方面的责任就不大。

【难点】minor 意为“不重要的,次要的”; less意为“较少的”,是比较级;small意为“小的,小规模的”,不能修饰responsibility ;little 意为“渺小的,微不足道的,细小的”。

12. C)【句意】这位城市邮差不得不步行,不仅仅沿着大街,而且还要上下楼梯,因为许多栋楼既无电梯也无楼下信箱。

【难点】block 意为“一栋楼;街区”;flight意为“楼梯的一段,飞行”;row 意为“一行,一排,一列”;storey 意为“楼层”。

13. A)【句意】我父亲在小镇里当了一辈子牙医,人们认为我会在他退休后理所当然地接他的班。

【难点】practice 意为“(医生或律师等的)业务,开业”;job 意为“(一件)工作,活儿,零活”;post 意为“职务,职位”;work意为“工作”,是长期稳定的工作或劳动。

14. A)【句意】工厂的农场也一样,动物们被放养在相同的条件下。

【难点】similar 意为“相像的,相仿的,类似的”;likely 意为“可能的”;close 意为“接近的,近的”;like 意为“相像的,相似的”,但少用。

15. B)【句意】恐怖主义如此严重,人们都在大声疾呼制定更多的法律以带来良好的社会秩序。

【难点】order 意为“治安,秩序,顺序”;security 意为“平安,安全感”,相对于受犯罪行为或外来入侵的威胁而言;safety意为“安全,平安”,相对于危险而言;protection 意为“保护,防护”。

16. D)【句意】色盲的人很难区分蓝色和绿色。

【难点】distinguish 意为“区分,辨别,分清”,后常接between 和among; separate 意为“使…分开,分离”,后常接from;compare 意为“对比,对照”,指对比相同点,后接with 或to ;contrast意为“使形成对照”,对比不同点。

17. B)【句意】当他意识到自己问了一个十分愚蠢的问题的时候,他感到十分尴尬。

【难点】embarrassed意为“窘迫的,局促不安的”;bored 意为“无聊的,厌烦的”;displeased 意为“不高兴的,不愉快的”;disappointed 意为“失望的,沮丧的”。

18. A)【句意】这个城市对我来说是陌生的,我不知道该去哪里。

【难点】strange意为“生疏的,奇怪的”;odd意为“奇特的,古怪的”;unique意为“独一无二的”;curious意为“好奇的,有好奇心的”。strange,odd 和unique 辨析:strange 词义最广,指非一般的,不平常的,费解的或与预期不同的,还强调陌生,不熟悉的。odd 强调有异于正常,表示不标准,不正规,不符合规律等,暗示这种奇异令人困惑不解。unique 可指在某一方面不同寻常,特别,有较强的独一无二的意思。

19. C)【句意】我今晚没情绪听他那愚蠢的笑话。

【难点】mood 意为“情绪”,be in no mood (to do )意为“全然不想做某事”;feeling意为“情感”;emotion意为“激情,感情”;tendency意为“倾向,趋向”。feeling和emotion辨析:feeling 指人的感觉,如快乐,悲哀,痛苦,钦佩等情感,它本身不反映感情的强弱。emotion指由于受到某种刺激而产生的喜、怒、哀、乐等情感。

20. C)【句意】鲍勃,杰克和享利分别获得一、二、三等奖。

【难点】respectively 意为“各自地,分别地”;differently 意为“以不同方式”;separately 意为“各自地,个别地”;equally 意为“相等地,平等地”。

21. A)【句意】这些货物与商标不符。

【难点】mark 意为“商标,标签”;sign 意为“牌,招牌,标牌”;token意为“凭证,纪念品”;signal意为“暗号,信号”。

22. D)【句意】我们借助于词汇表达思想。

【难点】by means of 意为“借助于;用;依靠”。method, way, manner 都有“方法,方式,办法”之意,但彼此间略有不同。method 指精心拟定的一组方法,强调详细,步骤分明。way 即可指单一的技巧,也可指复杂的操作方法,还可指一些人处理某一问题所采用的特殊方法。manner常指一种独特的做事方法。

23. A)【句意】我希望你以后说话注意点。

【难点】careful 意为“小心的,注意的”,后接with 或about; attentive意为“注意的,专心的”;cautious意为“慎重的,谨慎的”,为贬义词;precautious意为“戒备的”。

24. D)【句意】答题前要三思,你也许会上当从而泄露重要信息。

【难点】trap sb into doing sth 意为“使某人陷入圈套;使陷于困境”。catch意为“捉住,捕获,逮住”;capture 意为“俘虏;捕获”;seize意为“抓住”。

catch和 capture 辨析:

catch 指需要积极追寻,或采取一定的方法来抓住。

capture 指需要采取一定的计谋,技巧甚至武力,克服抵抗才能抓到或夺到。

25. B)【句意】操纵机器时,我们必须阅读警告牌。

【难点】caution 意为“警惕,警告,告诫”;warning亦为“警告,告诫”;advice 意为“建议,劝告”;counsel 亦为“劝告,忠告”。

advice 和counsel 辨析:

advice 指对不论重要还是琐碎的事情提供的建议。

counsel 指发表意见的人从独立和客观的观点出发,在公事上或以权威的身份提出的意见,涉及的事情对寻求意见的人来说具有较大重要性。

caution 和warning 辨析:

caution 意为“小心,谨慎”,警告人对某事慎重处理或慎重去做。warning是警告某人危


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