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标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(36)a [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-3 17:13     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(36)a

Test ThirtySix
long, wish, desire, hope, expect
She longed to go back to the laboratory.她渴望能回到实验室。
What I like is chewing gum. I wish I had some now.我喜欢的是口香糖,真希望我现在有些口香糖。
Have you got everything that your heart desired?你一心向往的东西都有了吗?
He hoped that his extra effort on the essay would bring him a higher mark.他希望他在论文上作出的特殊努力将会使他得高分。
If I tell you to come, I expect you to come.如果我让你来,我就希望你来。
result, consequence, effect, outcome
The net result of our discussions was that she agreed to take this job.我们反复商量的最终结果是她同意接受这份工作。
The high level of unemployment has produced harmful social consequences.高失业率已经造成了不良的社会后果。
The advertising campaign didn’t have much effect on sales.这次广告运动对销售未能起到多大的作用。
There were not many people who dared predict the outcome of the general election.没有人敢预测大选的结果。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-3 17:13     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(36)b


1. When Jack was eighteen he ____ going around with a strange set ofpeople and staying out very late.

A. took toB. took forC. took upD. took on

2. He ____ so much work that he couldn’t really do it efficiently.

A. put onB. turned onC. brought onD. took on

3. A large part of human activity, particularly in relation to the environment, is ____ conditions and events.

A. in response to B. in favor of

C. in contrast to D. in excess of

4. An obvious change of attitude at the top towards women’s status in society will ____ through the current law system in Japan.

A. permeateB. probeC. violateD. grope

5. I seem to have reached a rather gloomy conclusion, but I think that something cheerful may still be derived ____ it.

A. ofB. offC. fromD. with

6. If the fire alarm is sounded, all residents are requested to ____ in the courtyard.

A. assembleB. convergeC. crowdD. accumulate

7. He believed that the greatest of his ____ was that he’d never had a college education.

A. griefsB. misfortunesC. disastersD. sorrows

8. The service operates 36 libraries throughout the country, while six ____ libraries specially serve the countryside.

A. mobileB. driftingC. shiftingD. rotating

9. All our attempts to ____ the child from drowning were in vain.

A. regainB. recoverC. reserveD. rescue

10. The shopassistant was straight with his customers. If an article was of ____ quality he’d tell them so.

A. humbleB. inferiorC. minorD. awkward

11. The new washing machines are ____ at the rate offifty a day.

A. turn upB. turn downC. turned outD. turned in

12.____ should any money be given to a small child.

A. On no accountB. From all accounts.

C. Of no account D. By all accounts

13. While in London, we paid a visit to the hospital founded ____the nurse Florence Nightingale.

A. in line withB. in favor ofC. in honor ofD. in place of

14. Visitors are asked to ____ with the regulations.

A. contrastB. consultC. complyD. conflict

15. He thought he could talk Mr.Robinson ____ buyingsome expensive equipment.

A. onB. ofC. roundD. into

16. The republication of the poet’s most recent works certainly ____ his national reputation.

A. magnifyB. strengthenC. enlargeD. enhance

17. Although the two players are ____ in the tennis court, they are really good friends.

A. partnersB. enemiesC. rivalsD.companions

18. His body temperature has been ____ for three days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.

A. uncommonB. disorderedC. abnormalD. extraordinary

19. The final document was of course, supposed to mend the damage ______ upon the world by the war.

A. imposedB. impressedC. compelledD. compressed

20. The drowning child was saved by Dick’s ____ action.

A. acuteB. alertC. profoundD. prompt

21. The magician picked several persons ____ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.

A. by accidentB. at randomC. on occasionD.on average

22. This is ____ the most difficult job I have ever tackled.

A. by rightsB. by itselfC. by oneselfD. by far

23. I left for the office earlier than usual this morning ____traffic jam.

A. in line withB. for the sake of 

C. in case ofD. at the risk of

24. We ____ Edison’s success to his intelligence and hard work.

A. subjectB. attributeC. oweD. refer

25. In Britain, and on the continent too, the Japanese are sometimes viewed ____ a threat to domestic industries.

A. likeB. withC. forD. as
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-9-3 17:14     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(36)c


1. A)【句意】杰克18岁时愿意跟一帮怪里怪气的人混在一起,常常在外面呆到很晚才回来。

【难点】take to意为“喜欢上”;take for意为“认为,误以为”;take up意为“占据(时间、空间、注意力等)”;take on意为“承担,呈现(面貌),具有(特征)”。

2. D)【句意】他承担的工作太多,以致于无法真正有效地进行。

【难点】take on意为“承担”; turn on意为“开(电灯、水源、煤气等)”;bring on意为“引起,导致”;put on意为“穿上(衣服),增加(体重)。”

3. A)【句意】大部分人类活动,特别是与周围环境有关的活动,是对各种情况或事件的反应。

【难点】in response to意为“反应”; in favour of意为“赞成,主张”;in contrast to意为“与…形成对照”; in excess of意为“超过”。

4. A)【句意】上层社会对妇女在社会中地位的态度发生了明显的变化,这种变化将对日本现行的法律体系产生影响。

【难点】permeate意为“渗透”;violate意为“侵犯,玷污”;probe意为“探索”,作不及物动词时可与介词into搭配; grope意为“摸索,探索”,可与介词for搭配。

5. C)【句意】我得出的结论似乎令人沮丧,但我想或许能从中产生某种令人高兴的东西。


6. A)【句意】如遇火警,要求全体居民在院子里集合。


7. A) 【句意】他认为自己最大的不幸就是从未受过高等教育。


8. A)【句意】这家服务机构在全国有36家图书馆,同时有6家专门为农村服务的流动图书馆。


9. D)【句意】抢救落水儿童的一切努力均未成功。


10. B)【句意】这位售货员对顾客很坦率。如果商品质量不好的话,他会如实告诉顾客的。


11. C)【句意】新洗衣机以每天50台的速度生产出来。

【难点】turn out意为“生产”;turn up意为“开大(收音机、煤气等)”;turn down意为“把…调低,拒绝”;turn in意为“上交”。

12. A)【句意】绝不应该给小孩子钱。

【难点】on no account意为“绝不”;from all accounts和by all accounts意为“根据说法”,并非固定搭配,而of no account意为“丝毫不重要”是从成语of…account(“有…重要性”)演化而来的,account可加some, great, little, small等限定词进行修饰,表示程度。

13. C)【句意】在伦敦时,我们访问了为纪念弗劳伦斯•南丁格尔护士而建立的医院。

【难点】in honor of意为“为…的荣誉”;in line with意为“与…一致”; in favor of意为“支持,赞成”;in place of意为“代替”。

14. C)【句意】要求参观者遵守规则。

【难点】comply with意为“遵守”。其它三个词都可与介词with搭配:consult with意为“和…商量”;contrast with意为“与…形成对比”;conflict with意为“与…抵触”。

15. B)【句意】他想他能说服鲁宾逊先生买一些昂贵的设备。

【难点】除talk之外,还可用persuade或reason表达同一意思。另外,talk或reason sb. out of (doing) sth.意为“说服某人不做某事”。

16. D)【句意】这位诗人新作再版无疑会提高他在国内的知名度。


17. C)【句意】这两位网球选手场上是对手,场下是朋友。


18. C)【句意】他的体温一连三天都不正常,最高时达到40.5度。


19. A)【句意】最后的文件当然是弥合战争给世界造成的创伤。


20. D)【句意】迪克行动迅速地救起了落水儿童。


21. B)【句意】魔术师从观众中任意挑选了几个人,要他们协助表演。

【难点】at random意为“任意地”;by accident意为“偶然地”;on occasion意为“有时”;on average意为“平均”。

22. D)【句意】这是我所干得最困难的工作。

【难点】by far用来修饰最高级;by rights意为“按理”。B)、C)意均为“单独地,独自地”,前者指动物或东西,后者指人。

23. C)【句意】今天早晨我上班比平时早,以防堵车。

【难点】in case of意为“万一,以防”;for the sake of意为“为了…(的利益)”;at the risk of意为“冒险”; in line with意为“与…一致”。

24. B)【句意】我们把爱迪生的成就归因于他的聪明才智及辛勤的劳动。

【难点】attribute意为“把…归因于”;owe to意为“应该把…归功于”;subject to意为“使服从,使受到”;refer to意为“查阅,涉及”。

25. D)【句意】在英国,以及在欧洲大陆,有时人们把日本人看做是对本地工业的威胁。

【难点】be viewed as意为“被看作…”,be viewed和其他三个介词搭配不合适。
作者: blank_fei    时间: 2008-12-18 14:27

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作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2008-12-20 09:50

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