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标题: LESSON 21 A little girl [打印本页]

作者: tingroom    时间: 2010-12-21 14:15     标题: LESSON 21 A little girl

   listen to the material carefully,although it is difficult and sometime you can't write down the correct answer.As long as you have tried,whatever you write down will be the harvest of yours.You should believe that only by accumulating little by little could you learn English come on.

      A little girl was given so many picture books on her seventh birthday that her father thought his daughter should give one or two of her new books to a little neighbor boy named Robert.
  Now, taking books, or anything else, (1)_________________ but the father of the little girl had his way and Robert got two of her books. “After all, that leaves you with nine,” said the father, who thought he was a philosopher,  who thought he was a philosopher and child psychologist, and couldn’t shut his big stupid mouth on the subject.
  (2)_______________________________ in the Oxford English Dictionary, to feast his eyes on the praise of fatherhood through the centuries, but he couldn’t find volume F-G and then he discovered that three others were missing, too A-B, L-M, V-Z. He began to search his household, and learned what had happened to the four missing volumes.
  “A man came to the door this morning,” said his little daughter, “and he didn’t know how to get from here to Torrington or from Torrington to Winsted, and he was a nice man, much nicer than Robert, (3)______________________ After all, there are thirteen volumes in the Oxford English Dictionary, and that leaves you with nine.”



作者: xiaotantan    时间: 2010-12-21 16:31

1)A little girl is not like taking candy from the baby
2)A few weeks later,the father returns library to look out "  father"
3)so I give him for your books
作者: F123LY    时间: 2010-12-25 13:10

1)A little girl is not like taking candy from the baby
2)A few weeks later,the father returns library to look out "  father"
3)so I give him for your books
作者: 嘻游记    时间: 2010-12-27 16:39

1.from the little girl was not like taken candy for the baby
2.a few weeks later,the father returned the library to look up FATHER. I give him four of your books
作者: crazy学英语    时间: 2010-12-27 18:27

1)A little girl is not like taking candy from the baby
2)A few weeks later,the father returns library to look out "  father"
3)so I give him for your books
作者: crazy学英语    时间: 2010-12-27 18:29

1.from a little girl is like taking candy from a baby,
2.A few weeks later, the father went to his library to look up “father”
3. so I gave him four of your books.
作者: billdraaa    时间: 2010-12-29 16:00

from the little girl was not like taking candy for the baby
2.a few weeks later,the father returned the library to look up FATHER. I give him ? of your books
作者: dont5050550    时间: 2011-9-7 20:09

作者: yl753654    时间: 2011-9-8 19:13

作者: sunnyraintsk    时间: 2011-9-20 10:03

本帖最后由 sunnyraintsk 于 2011-9-20 10:06 编辑

1)from a little girl is not like taking candy from the baby
2)A few weeks later,the father went to his library to look out "  father"
3)so I give him for your books
作者: 光年    时间: 2013-5-6 12:18

1)from a little girl is not like taking candy from the baby
2)A few weeks later,the father went to his library to look out "  father"
3)so I give him for your books
作者: linbinbb    时间: 2013-5-7 23:30

1)  for the little girl is not like taking that for the little baby
2) A few weeks later, the father ask
3) so i give him four books

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