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标题: St. Paul's Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂 [打印本页]

作者: 李武军    时间: 2011-6-28 06:01     标题: St. Paul's Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂


Yang Li: 大家好,我是杨莉,现在我爬上了伦敦著名的圣保罗大教堂。

Diarmuid: Hello I’m Diarmuid. Join us for a visit to St. Paul’s Cathedral with BBC Learning English.

Yang Li: St. Paul’s Cathedral. 圣保罗大教堂可是伦敦最重要的地标性建筑,是参观者必游景点。

Diarmuid: Now, one of its most eye-catching features is this huge dome.

Yang Li: Eye-catching feature 最引人注目的特征就是它巨大的穹顶 huge dome. 下面是大教堂教会团成员马丁的介绍:

Diarmuid: Here’s Canon Martin Warner:

I think the most significant feature of the cathedral, artistically and architecturally, is probably the dome. It's what everybody sees and of course it struck a whole new style of architecture when 300 years ago it was built here in London as the city rose from the destruction of the Great Fire of 1666.

Canon Martin Warner, St. Paul's Cathedral

Yang Li: 他说,从艺术和建筑学的角度来看, artistically and architecturally. 教堂的穹顶是最重要的,最突出的部分。 Most significant feature.

St. Paul's Cathedral, London

Diarmuid: It was the masterpiece of the architect Sir Christopher Wren.

Yang Li: 雄伟的穹顶就是建筑师 Christopher Wren 的一部杰作。 A masterpiece.

Diarmuid: Wren’s design took 35 years to realise, and was the first cathedral to be completed within the lifetime of its architect.

Yang Li: It was rebuilt about 300 years ago after the Great Fire in 1666.

Diarmuid: And it struck a whole new style of architecture.

Yang Li: 它体现了一整套新型的建筑风格。

Diarmuid: Well, it certainly has the wow factor. Canon Warner again:

When you cross the threshold of St. Paul's and the vast interior opens up before you, there is something of a wow factor.

Canon Martin Warner, St. Paul's Cathedral

Yang Li: 跨进那气势宏伟,金壁辉煌的圣保罗大教堂,会让你情不自禁的惊讶和赞叹。 The wow factor 惊叹地叫好。

Diarmuid: I think that the three galleries that visitors can climb up are equally amazing! Canon Warner again:

There are three galleries: the interior one, the whispering gallery, it actually has this capacity for a whisper to run all the way round inside the drum of the dome, and that in itself is an amazing experience; but it's also possible to go outside the dome and on the stone gallery to get a phenomenal view of the city of London; but then it’s also possible to climb up onto the top of the dome and from the golden gallery to see the whole of greater London. It’s a phenomenal view up there and certainly well worth exploring.

Canon Martin Warner, St. Paul's Cathedral

Yang Li: 教堂上端有三个画廊,它们是:

Yang Li and Canon Martin Warner

Diarmuid: The whispering gallery.

Yang Li: 耳语画廊。

Diarmuid: The stone gallery.

Yang Li: 石柱画廊。

Diarmuid: And the golden gallery.

Yang Li: 和金色画廊。从建筑结构看,耳语画廊它很像北京天坛的回音壁。Have you been to The Temple of Heaven in Beijing, Derm?

Diarmuid: Oh yes, it’s very impressive. But here in St. Paul’s Cathedral, you have more than 400 steps to climb, don't you, Yang Li?

Yang Li: Yes. 163 steps to the whispering gallery; 119 steps to the stone gallery; and a further 152 steps to the golden gallery at the top. So that’s 434 steps in total.

Diarmuid: You must get a phenomenal view of the City of London up there, mustn’t you?

Yang Li: A phenomenal view 惊人的视野。 Yes, of course.

Diarmuid: Apart from its architectural glamour, St. Paul’s Cathedral is a symbol of Britain’s history.

Yang Li: 英国历史的象征。 It has hosted many important events.

Diarmuid: Yes, for instance, the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana; and the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.

Yang Li: 查尔斯和戴安娜的婚礼以及英国女王伊丽莎白二世登基50年的大庆。

Diarmuid: It has also hosted state funerals on several occasions.

Yang Li: 重大的国葬 state funerals. Here’s Canon Warner again:

It has also hosted three great state occasions which have been opportunities for the nation to mourn great leaders. First, with Lord Nelson, secondly, with the Duke of Wellington, and finally with Sir Winston Churchill.

Canon Martin Warner, St. Paul's Cathedral

Diarmuid: To mourn great leaders: to mourn.

Yang Li: 哀悼。

Diarmuid: Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellington and Sir Winston Churchill.

Yang Li: 纳尔逊将军,惠灵顿公爵和丘吉尔首相的葬礼都是在此举行的。

Diarmuid: There is certainly a lot to see in St. Paul’s Cathedral if you are interested in British history and culture.

Yang Li: So do come for a visit when you are in London. Thanks for listening.

Diarmuid: See you next time.

Yang Li: Bye!

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