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标题: Madame Tussauds 杜莎夫人蜡像馆 [打印本页]

作者: 李武军    时间: 2011-6-28 06:14     标题: Madame Tussauds 杜莎夫人蜡像馆

Jo: In today's On The Town Oliver, we're going to a place where you can meet lots of famous people.

Oliver: 是吗?在伦敦?是不是名人们都喜欢去的什么饭店吧?

Jo: No, there's actually even more stars in this place – and you can have your picture taken with them – Brad Pitt, Beyonce, David Beckham, Johnny Depp.

Oliver: 哦,我非常喜欢 Beyonce,真希望能见到她。

Jo: Well there's just one thing though you need to know…the famous people are made from wax.

Oliver: 一说到能见到 Beyonce 我都有点兴奋过头了。不过你说,如果所有的名人都是用蜡 制造的,那我知道了,你说的一定是 Madame Tussauds,杜莎夫人蜡像馆。

Jo: That's right Oliver. We'll be learning all about Madame Tussauds on BBC Learning English today!


Now in lots of big cities there is a Madame Tussauds and it is a very popular tourist attraction. A tourist attraction.

Oliver: 旅游景点,为了了解蜡像馆为什么这么吸引人,我们采访了杜莎夫人蜡像馆的公关经理 Ben Lovett.


We have wax figures – likenesses of famous people, particular to the UK market but also internationally well-known like Hollywood celebrities.

Jo: So there are lots of wax figures.

Oliver: 蜡像,按照名人样子做的蜡像。

Jo: A likeness. So the figures are likenesses of famous people particular to the UK market. Particular to.

Oliver: 特别针对英国人喜好的名人。同时还有很多世界知名的名人蜡像。

Jo: Internationally well-known – like Hollywood celebrities. You're listening to On The Town from BBC Learning English and today we're finding out about Madame Tussauds – an attraction where you can see wax figures of lots of famous celebrities. This is a popular tourist attraction in London and we asked Ben why he thinks it's so popular.


I think there's always been traditionally a frisson when people get near to a famous person they normally wouldn't be able to and I think we aim to tap into that.

Jo: So Ben used the word traditionally.

Oliver: 传统的。

Jo: And a frisson.

Oliver: 因为激动而颤抖,and Ben also used the expression to tap into something 是指借助什么事大做文章,借此发挥以达到预计的效果或目的。

Jo: To tap into something. Here's Ben again.


I think there's always been traditionally a frisson when people get near to a famous person they normally wouldn't be able to and I think we aim to tap into that.

Jo: And we were wondering which celebrity is causing the most excitement at Madame Tussauds at the moment?

Oliver: 你猜猜会是谁呢?


Johnny Depp's figure is absolutely spot on and this one just raises the bar in terms of likeness – and I think the whole experience around in the room – it's like a creaking pirate ship, the sights, the smells of a pirate ship I think that's definitely the most popular from guest feedback as well.

Jo: So Johnny Depp's figure is spot-on.

Oliver: 到位。Ben 还说了提高了水准。

Jo: To raise the bar. It raises the bar in terms of likeness – so he thinks it really looks a lot like Johnny Depp.

Oliver: Ben 介绍说在杜莎夫人蜡像馆陈列的加勒比海盗系列,就像一艘吱吱作响的海盗船。

Jo: A pirate ship. A creaking pirate ship. It feels like you're in a pirate ship and even tries to smell like one.

Oliver: 哇,就是说看起来完全像真的海盗船。Ben 说,从观众反馈来讲,这个地方是现在在蜡像馆里最受欢迎的展区。

Jo: Feedback. Feedback from the visitors or guests.

So that's Madame Tussauds for you.

Oliver: 我们会给大家听一听参观蜡像馆的观众自己是怎么评价这里的,听起来他们对这里都是十二分的满意,你会听到一些用来描述“伟大”的不同的词儿。比如 terrific, fabulous, awesome.

Jo: Terrific, fabulous, awesome. We spoke to people from Italy and the UK.

Oliver: 奥地利,对了,当然少不了中国。这儿绝对是一个国际旅游胜地。

Jo: That's all from this week's On The Town. You can find out more on our website Goodbye from us here at BBC Learning English.

Oliver: Bye for now.


- I'm from Hunan. It's terrific fabulous – it really looks like real people and just great fun here.

- I love it because you can make photos with lots of famous persons (I love it because you can take photos with lots of famous people).

- A really good really interesting experience.

- It's a good place

- It's awesome

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