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标题: 系列节目六:连载故事-家 Home [打印本页]

作者: DZ    时间: 2008-10-17 09:23     标题: 系列节目六:连载故事-家 Home

1.独自一人 Alone in the Rain

The day was dark and cold. The rain had not stopped for a long time. Michelle tried to find shelter under a broken roof. She was a pitiful sight. Her thin jacket could not keep her warm in the cold air. But she was shivering only on the outside. Inside she was hot with anger and hatred towards her parents. She hated both of them.

"I am glad I left," Michelle thought bitterly. "If I spent a minute longer in that house, I would go mad."

She looked down at the tattered picture of her family in her hand. Michelle sighed, "But why did it have to end up this way?"

It was not always like this. They were once a happy family: Papa, Ma, Adam and her. That was until Adam fell very sick one day.

                                                                                                                          ...... to be continued
作者: DZ    时间: 2008-10-17 09:26     标题: 2.小亚当 Little Adam

Adam was the youngest in the family. He brought the smiles to Papa and Ma's faces. Everything they did was for Adam. Not that Michelle minded; she loved Adam, too. There were times when he made her very angry, but Adam knew exactly how to cheer her up. Michelle loved being his older sister. She loved caring for him and protecting him. Adam always kissed his sister goodnight before he went to bed and that made Michelle very happy.

The happiness in Michelle's family did not last long. Adam fell very ill. Papa and Ma spent a lot of money on his medicine. They tried their best to find a doctor who was able to cure Adam, but no one could. Soon, little Adam died.

That is when life started to fall apart. Both of her parents were very upset about Adam's death. They also had very little money left after paying Adam's medical bills. Papa began to drink alcohol so that he could forget all of the pain and sadness. Whenever he was drunk, he would hurt Michelle. He would not stop until he was tired. Michelle could not do anything except cry in her bedroom and wish someone would save her. Ma could not do anything either. The only thing she could do was find jobs to make money for the family. Most of the time, Ma was away working. Michelle missed Ma very much.

                                                                                                                            ...... to be continued
作者: DZ    时间: 2008-10-28 15:55     标题: 3.困难重重 Trouble Everywhere

 Because life was so hard at home, Michelle struggled in school. Sometimes, she would sleep in class while the teacher was teaching because she was so very tired. She could not sleep at home, because her parents fought with each other or her Papa would come home drunk and make a lot of noise. When Papa was drunk, Michelle was very scared.

Her teachers often told her she was a bad student because she did not complete her homework anymore. She did not have time to complete it. Michelle's classmates made fun of her because she did not have nice clothes. Her clothes were old and had holes in them.

During lunch period, Michelle hid in a corner to stay away from the mean people who always laughed at her. Sometimes, she went to school without money. But Michelle's real problem was at home.

Michelle hated going home. She hated home even more when Papa was there. Sometimes he hit her so hard she bled. Bruises started to show. One day, on her way home, Michelle thought to herself, "If he hurts me one more time, I will run away. If he hits me one more time, I will be gone."

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ...... to be continued
作者: DZ    时间: 2008-10-28 15:58     标题: 4.离家出走 Running Away From Home

When she got home, the entire house stank of alcohol. Papa was drinking again. When Papa heard Michelle come home, he became angry for no reason. Soon, he started hitting her again. He was drunk, but very strong. Michelle could not do anything but shiver with fear.
"That's it," she thought. "I think I am going to die."

But, at that moment, Ma came home. She saw Michelle bleeding and started shouting at Papa. That's when Michelle ran away.

"I want to run away," she thought as she left her house. "I will get as far away as possible from this terrible place. I hate my family."

Michelle did not care that it was raining heavily and her clothes were not enough to keep her warm and dry. She did not even notice that it was raining. The tears in her eyes made it difficult to see. She did not know where to go or who to find to help her, but she knew she wanted to get out of that house.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ...... to be continued
作者: fuyun    时间: 2008-10-29 05:02     标题: 回复 3# 的帖子

作者: fuyun    时间: 2008-10-29 05:06

作者: anngong    时间: 2008-10-30 15:17

作者: Nanika    时间: 2008-10-30 17:55

作者: Nanika    时间: 2008-10-30 17:58

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作者: Nanika    时间: 2008-11-5 13:11

作者: yong9521    时间: 2008-11-22 22:00

作者: caihq    时间: 2008-12-10 17:53

作者: caihq    时间: 2008-12-17 12:07

作者: DZ    时间: 2008-12-20 10:35

作者: haisenor    时间: 2008-12-22 15:10

it is very good
bump up
作者: lightzho    时间: 2009-9-4 21:27


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