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标题: 2011年度25大最差密码 [打印本页]

作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2011-11-23 13:49     标题: 2011年度25大最差密码

Internet users never learn. No matter how many times we hear about obvious, hackable passwords, people keep using them. And the situation doesn't seem to be getting better.


Below is a list of the 25 worst passwords of 2011, compiled by SplashData. The security software developer generated the list from millions of actual stolen passwords, posted online by hackers. Not surprisingly, the most common passwords are also the worst, including "password," "123456" and "qwerty" (look at your keyboard, you'll get it). Even passwords that seem kind of unique, like "trustno1" and "shadow" are actually quite common. And why does "monkey" always show up on these lists?

密码管理应用提供商SplashData日前公布2011年度最差的25个密码,这个榜单是该 公司通过分析黑客张贴在网上的数百万个实际被盗的帐号密码得出的。不出意料,最常见的密码就是最糟糕最容易被猜出来的,包括password、 123456、qwerty(看看键盘你就懂了)。还有一些密码看起来很特别,其实也非常普通,像trustno1和shadow,还有为什么 monkey老是出现在这种榜单上呢?

Anyway, here's the full list:


1. password 密码

2. 123456

3. 12345678

4. qwerty 电脑键盘

5. abc123

6. monkey 猴子

7. 1234567

8. letmein 让我进去

9. trustno1 谁都不信

10. dragon 龙

11. baseball 棒球

12. 111111

13. iloveyou 我爱你(小编:真浪漫)

14. master 主人

15. sunshine 阳光

16. ashley 艾什莉(人名)

17. bailey 贝利(人名)

18. passw0rd (小编:自认为很聪明,其实也上榜啦)

19. shadow 影子

20. 123123

21. 654321

22. superman 超人

23. qazwsx 电脑键盘

24. Michael 迈克(人名)

25. football 足球

SplashData has a few recommendations for keeping your data safe:


First, create a strong password consisting of letters, numbers and symbols. If you're worried about remembering long passwords, try using phrases of short words separated by underscores, such as "shiny_phones_rule_1." A phrase is easier to recall than a long, abstract mish-mash of characters.


Second, try not to spread the same password all over the Internet. At the very least, use separate passwords for important uses like online banking and e-mail. The last thing you want is for some poorly protected web forum to hold the same password as your bank account.


To make things super-simple, you can also use password management software.


作者: tingroom    时间: 2011-11-23 14:56

i seldom use those passwords.
作者: xiaomeixin    时间: 2011-11-23 15:06

I have a lot of passwords.And not all of them are the same.But fortunately I can remember all of them.
作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2011-11-23 17:53

I have a lot of passwords.And not all of them are the same.But fortunately I can remember all of the ...
xiaomeixin 发表于 2011-11-23 15:06

    You will forget some of the passwords if you do not use them often, not matter how simple they may be. I recommend you write them down somewhere and keep them at a safe place in case you forget.
作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2011-11-23 17:56

What's more, never use the birthday as your password, especially that of yourself. If you have to, you can use that of your parents or your boyfriend/girlfriend, or your icon, etc.
作者: 李武军    时间: 2011-11-23 18:23

different people have different ideas, but I think even though it's easy for all the people to remember the password they make. It must be impressive.
作者: xiaomeixin    时间: 2011-11-24 10:17

回复 4# 雨落风残

    No.I won't forget them.Because each of them has a special meaning.
作者: 芳群    时间: 2011-11-24 15:38

I won't forget them too.

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