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标题: 昨天帮人翻译了个留学文件,请大家帮忙修正 [打印本页]

作者: 小钰钰    时间: 2012-3-7 09:01     标题: 昨天帮人翻译了个留学文件,请大家帮忙修正

本帖最后由 小钰钰 于 2012-3-7 09:02 编辑

Applying to the University is the first step
In order for you to participate in our programs you must apply to the University and be
accepted. So your first step is to go to the Student Services web-site section on prospective
students and find out about admission to SFU. When you've finished looking over the
admission requirements then you can hit the "Think You're Ready" button to apply to the
Remember the deadlines are about 4 months prior to the start of the semester you would
like to apply for. You must apply by April 30th for September admission and by September
30th for January admission. Most of our programs start in September.
College Transfer
The best way to find out what your BC College courses transfer in as is to go to the B.C.
Transfer Guide. Please note that most FPA credit does not transfer directly to a course, but
something that looks like "FPA 1THRSTU (3)" which means in this case that it is 3 credits of
lower division theater studio courses.
If you are applying from a college, or plan to go to a college first, it is a good idea to make
sure you have taken care of at least some of your Writing, Quantitative and Breadth
Requirements before coming to SFU.
Most of our majors have an audition/interview process before entry. Some happen in the
spring before first year starts, but most happen 2nd or 3rd year. Below is some information,
but it is really important that you click on the button above for your area of interest so we
can send you information to guide you to the next step of application.
Art & Culture: Start with FPA 111 and when you finish FPA 210 with a B or better we can
declare your major.
Dance: Auditions for Fall semester entry to first year are in April and a second set in
August. Always best to attend the first audition. If you are out of town there is the option to
audition by video.
Film: Film has a questionnaire and interview process for entry into first year due on March
9th for Fall 2012.

Music: FPA 104 is open to all and is the logical starting point. If you feel you can read and
write musical notation, contact our office for a waiver from this class.
Theatre Performance: Auditions are held in April and August to join the 2nd year
ensemble in the Fall semester. FPA 150 is the course you would sign up for in first year.
Theatre Production and Design: FPA 170 and 171 are the starting point for Production
and Design and students will enter the major or extended minor after second year.
Visual Art: There is no portfolio for first year Visual Art. FPA 160 is the starting point. The
major is declared after FPA 261 is complete for entry into third year. There is an interview
for the Extended Minor for entry into second year.
For more information please contact our office at 778 -782-3363 or e-mail us.







找出您BC大学课程转学要求的最好办法是找到网站的转学指南 。请注意大部分的FPA 学分不能直接转换。但是有些类似"FPA 1THRSTU (3)"这的意思是戏曲电影专业低于其他专业三个学分。




艺术文化 开始于FPA111当你完成FPA 210 并完成B或以上我们可以     你的专业

舞蹈 秋季学期的面试在在第一年的四月,第二次是在八月。最好参加第一轮面试。如果您不在城镇可以选择录音面试。

电影 影视专业有一个调查表以及一个入学面试流程,报名截止日期为2012年三月九日。

音乐 FDA104对所有开放,这就是理论的起始分。如果您感觉您可以阅读并且写音符,联系我们办公室取消这一课程。

戏剧表演 面试在四月和八月在秋季学期入学后第二学年的联合汇演。FPA150是这门学科您在第一年必须完成的。

戏剧导演和编剧 FPA170HE 171是这们学科的起始分或者是第二学年后的选修。

视觉艺术  视觉艺术第一年没有面试。FPA160是此专业起始分。第三学期开始前FPA需要达到261.第二学年开始前有一个选修面试。

更多信息请联系    或者发邮件给我们。

作者: 小钰钰    时间: 2012-3-7 14:18

作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2012-3-7 16:14

本帖最后由 雨落风残 于 2012-3-7 16:16 编辑


When you've finished looking over the admission requirements then you can hit the "Think You're Ready" button to apply to the University.


上面是你的翻译,我觉得When you've finished looking over the admission requirements ,这个从句,只表达了“当你看完我们的招生标准”并没有表达别的意思,我想问你一下,你的“并认为您达到我们的要求”是从哪里翻译出来的?Think You are Ready是主句中按钮的定语,只要在那里表达出来就可以了。

Remember the deadlines are about 4 months prior to the start of the semester you would
like to apply for. You must apply by April 30th for September admission and by September
30th for January admission.
Most of our programs start in September.



If you are applying from a college, or plan to go to a college first, it is a good idea to make
sure you have taken care of at least some of your Writing, Quantitative and Breadth
Requirements before coming to SFU.
这里请注意,原文中说的是 applying from a college,而不是说,applying for a college,你懂我的意思吧?还有下一句, 我觉得应该翻译成,确保在来SFU(这个是那个大学名称的缩写吗?)之前,已经了解对你写作,数量以及广度方面的要求。


Most of our majors have an audition/interview process before entry.请注意,这里有一个before entry,就是说是在开学之前进行的,你没有把时间翻译出来。

这句“but it is really important that you click on the button above for your area of interest”
area of your interest应该翻译成“你感兴趣的领域”。

Art & Culture: Start with FPA 111 and when you finish FPA 210 with a B or better we can
declare your major.
还有这句话你翻译的太拘泥于原文了,翻译出来的东西要考虑中文读者的习惯。应该翻译成,首先进行的是FPA 111的学习(或考核),当你以B或以上的成绩结束FPA210的学习后,我们就可以确定你的专业了。

注意这个,If you are out of town there is the option to audition by video.


还有这句问题比较大些,Film has a questionnaire and interview process for entry into first year due on March 9th for Fall 2012.



Theatre Performance: Auditions are held in April and August to join the 2nd year
ensemble in the Fall semester. FPA 150 is the course you would sign up for in first year.
在第一学年,你将要学FPA 150这门课程。
Theatre Production and Design: FPA 170 and 171 are the starting point for Production
and Design and students will enter the major or extended minor after second year.
由于电影中的制片人都翻译成“producer”,我觉得这里的Theatre Production应该翻译成“舞台设计或戏剧制作”。对于你这句的翻译,前半段我基本认同,但后半段异议就比较大,后半句应该翻译成,学生在第二学年后,才会确定专业或者增加选修课程。
Visual Art: There is no portfolio for first year Visual Art. FPA 160 is the starting point. The
major is declared after FPA 261 is complete for entry into third year. There is an interview
for the Extended Minor for entry into second year.
这里你没有把 The major is declared 翻译出来
For more information please contact our office at 778 -782-3363 or e-mail us.

如果想了解更多的信息,请拨打我们的办公室电话 778-782-3363或者发电子邮件联系我们。

作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2012-3-7 16:19

还有这句话The best way to find out what your BC College courses transfer in as is to go to the B.C. Transfer Guide.我没看明白,特别是红色的部分,哪位来指点一下。
作者: 小钰钰    时间: 2012-3-8 14:37

本帖最后由 小钰钰 于 2012-3-8 14:52 编辑


Think You're Ready 这个地方我没理解好,确实多了。
作者: 小钰钰    时间: 2012-3-8 14:40

taken care of 这个地方为什么是了解呢?不是保存的意思。因为我知道国外好多大学是要这些东西的。
作者: 小钰钰    时间: 2012-3-8 14:41

作者: 小钰钰    时间: 2012-3-8 14:44

本帖最后由 小钰钰 于 2012-3-8 14:47 编辑

FPA 111 这个是什么东东呢?其实所有的FPA加个数字我都不是太理解。是不是指的某门课程,但是他们用了编号?
作者: 小钰钰    时间: 2012-3-8 14:48

Theatre Performance: Auditions are held in April and August to join the 2nd year
ensemble in the Fall semester.

这一句 为什么什么做准备是在哪里体现的呢?
作者: tingroom    时间: 2012-3-8 14:55

Transfer Guide 是指的转学指南么
作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2012-3-8 16:21

taken care of 这个地方为什么是了解呢?不是保存的意思。因为我知道国外好多大学是要这些东西的。 ...
小钰钰 发表于 2012-3-8 14:40

作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2012-3-8 16:22

面试那块我是晕的,我不清楚三个的区别,我开始翻译了时间,但是看到后来的说是第二年第三年。这样跟之前的 ...
小钰钰 发表于 2012-3-8 14:41

Some happen in the
spring before first year starts, but most happen 2nd or 3rd year.
作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2012-3-8 16:24

FPA 111 这个是什么东东呢?其实所有的FPA加个数字我都不是太理解。是不是指的某门课程,但是他们用了编号 ...
小钰钰 发表于 2012-3-8 14:44

作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2012-3-8 16:25

Theatre Performance: Auditions are held in April and August to join the 2nd year
ensemble in the Fal ...
小钰钰 发表于 2012-3-8 14:48

    这里主要是从to join看出来的,3月和8月的排练是为了后面的巡演做准备。
作者: 小钰钰    时间: 2012-3-8 22:05

作者: 小钰钰    时间: 2012-3-8 22:08

Some happen in the
spring before first year starts, but most happen 2nd or 3rd year.
    这句话你 ...
雨落风残 发表于 2012-3-8 16:22

作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2012-3-8 22:20

这个句子加上时间,不就成了这样“大部分的专业在开学之前有一个面试,有一些是在第一学年开始前的 ...
小钰钰 发表于 2012-3-8 22:08

    我把这句话省略的部分补充全了,你再看看。Most of our majors have an audition/interview process before entry. Some happen in the spring before first year starts, but most happen (before) 2nd (year starts) or ( before) 3rd year (starts).
作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2012-3-8 22:24

小钰钰 发表于 2012-3-8 22:05




(参赛或应聘用的)画作选辑,代表作品集 A portfolio is a set of pictures by someone, or photographs of examples of their work, which they use when entering competitions or applying for work.  
作者: 小钰钰    时间: 2012-3-9 13:55

作者: 小钰钰    时间: 2012-3-9 13:56     标题: 我又给翻译了一段

本帖最后由 小钰钰 于 2012-3-9 13:59 编辑

English language requirementAll applicants, regardless of country of origin or citizenship status, must demonstrate competence inthe English language in one of the following six ways, depending on where you are completing youreducation. (Note that enrollment in first-year writing intensive courses requires higher grades thanadmission grades. See our FAQs.)1.  completion of the last three years of full-time secondary education in English in Canada or another country where the principal language of instruction is English. A minimum blended  grade of 60% or C in one of English 12, English Literature 12, or English 12 First Peoples, or their equivalents, is required.
  Note: a final, blended mark of 75% will permit enrollment in a writing-intensive (W) course.
  2.  completion of the last four years of full-time secondary education in English at a recognizedInternational school where the principal language of instruction in the country is not English. Aminimum grade of C or 60% in senior level English is required.
  3.  completion of IB English A 1 or A2 (HL or SL) with a minimum grade of 3.
  4.  completion of a three unit transferable English course or certified W (writing intensive) coursewith a minimum grade of C-.
  5.  completion of the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) with a minimumoverall band score of 6.0.
  (Effective for Summer 2012 admission and later: completion of the IELTS (InternationalEnglish Language Testing System) with a minimum overall band score of 6.5 with no part lessthan 6.0.)6.  completion of TOEFL IBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-based test) with anoverall score of 88 or better with a minimum score of 20 in each of the four components(listening, speaking, writing, reading).
  For more information on the literacy requirements visit New Admission Standards.



1.       在加拿大或者其它主要用英语授课的国家完成至少三年以上的全日制中等教育。A minimum blended  grade of 60% or C in one of English 12, English Literature 12, or English 12 First Peoples, or their equivalents, is required.


2 在主要的教学语言不是英语的国家里的被认可的国际学校,完成至少四年的全日制中等教育。至少达到C等或高级英语中 60%。

3 完成 IB 英语 A1 或 A2 (HL 或 SL)至少为三级。

4 完成三个单元的英语翻译课程或者写作课程至少达到C级。

5.完成雅思 (国际英语语言测试系统) 总分最低达到 6.0分 。(适用于2012 夏季入学以及之后: 雅思 (国际英语语言测试系统) 最低总分 6.5分 并且任何部分都不能低于6.0分。)

6.完成托福 IBT (英语作为外语以互联网为依托的测试),最低总分 88,四个部分 (听、 说、 写、 读),每项最低20分。

作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2012-3-9 18:31

English language requirementAll applicants, regardless of country of origin or citizenship status, m ...
小钰钰 发表于 2012-3-9 13:56

    你翻译的比较凌乱啊,你自己再仔细看看,应该能翻译更好的。in one of the six ways 是六种方式之一,按你的翻译,就是要六种方式每种都要试一遍了,意思可差的多了。还有demostrate是证明的意思,不是表现。你自己再重新看一遍,我吃饭去了,不明白的地方我再给你提点意见。
作者: 小钰钰    时间: 2012-3-11 08:10

作者: 小钰钰    时间: 2012-3-11 08:11


还有第一段 不太明白啥意思啊

A minimum blended
grade of 60% or C in one of English 12, English Literature 12, or English 12 First Peoples, or their equivalents, is required.

作者: 小钰钰    时间: 2012-3-11 08:48

本帖最后由 小钰钰 于 2012-3-11 08:50 编辑

Special Fees
Application and Admission
Replacement of Documentation
Replacement of Library/Identification Card
Official Transcript

关于收费的 Replacement of Documentation
Replacement of Library/Identification Card  Official Transcript

作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2012-3-11 19:45


还有第一段 不太明白啥意思啊1.
A mini ...
小钰钰 发表于 2012-3-11 08:11


  blended 就是综合的,后面的那些我想应该是课程的名称吧,equivalent就是同等的,对等的,这里讲的时候分数要达到一个什么样的水平。
作者: 雨落风残    时间: 2012-3-11 19:49

replacement就是更新,替换的意思,Library Card, 图书卡,Identification Card 身份证明, Official Transcript 官方的成绩单。
作者: peter_teacher    时间: 2012-3-21 14:06

作者: peter_teacher    时间: 2012-4-6 14:03


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