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标题: 跟我学新概念:第二册 Lesson 6 Percy Buttons [打印本页]

作者: 白天羽    时间: 2012-4-9 09:31     标题: 跟我学新概念:第二册 Lesson 6 Percy Buttons

本帖最后由 白天羽 于 2012-4-9 12:32 编辑

1 凶手用床单盖住了血迹。
The murderer covered the bloodstains with  a sheet.
2 应市长的要求,他在广场上作了演讲。
At the request of mayor, he made a speech on the square.
3 妈妈已经做好了早餐。
Mum has already prepared breakfast.






作者: 白天羽    时间: 2012-4-9 09:32

1、beggar   n.乞丐    beg [beɡ] v.祈求,行乞  重读闭音节,双写g。类似的词有:begin, dig, run, swim, drag, big, rob。
a begging letter 求援信
beg sth from sb = beg for sth from sb向某人祈求某物
Percy Buttons begged for a meal and a glass of bear from me.
Percy Buttons asked me for a meal and a glass of bear.  
ask sb for sth 向某人要某物
My little brother asks me for lucky money every year.
The girl asked her mother for that beautiful skirt.
beg sb for sth  因某事祈求,恳求某人(以谦虚的姿态要求)
Set him free, I beg you!
beg sb to do sth  祈求某人做某事  
beg sb not to do sth 祈求某人不要做某事
They begged us not to punish them.
He knew that he had hurt her and begged her to forgive him.
I beg your pardon!  1)相当于I’m sorry / Excuse me.对不起,请原谅;2)Please repeat that / Pardon.请再说一遍。
beg a favor for sb 恳求某人帮忙   beg sb off 为某人求情
v. + er/ar/or可以表达人的概念:work → worker  sail → sailor  beg → beggar
beggar can’t be choosers.(谚语)饥不择食
beggar 家伙,(口语)有戏谑之意 You lucky beggar!你这家伙真幸运。
2、food  n.
We can’t live for long without food and water.
mental food 精神食粮      food for thought应思考之事
2)作为特种食品时,可看作可数名词。   baby foods婴儿食品   health foods健康食品   frozen foods冷冻食品   breakfast foods早餐   a favorite food最喜欢的一种食物
3)food chain食物链
作者: 白天羽    时间: 2012-4-9 09:32

1)表示“一”这个数量,意思和“one”近似 Rome is not built in a day.
2)“某一个”,(泛指) This poem is written by a student.(究竟哪一个学生不清楚)
3)和名词一起代表一类人或东西 A teacher must love his students.
This ia the head of my delegation.   
delegation [,deli'ɡeiʃən] n.代表团,委托,授权
We must catch the next bus.
Life was hard for the working class.   the working class工人阶级
The Chinese people are industrious and brave.   
industrious [in'dʌstriəs] adj.勤勉的
The lion is found in Africa.   Africa ['æfrikə] n.非洲
The fox may grow gray, but never good. 狐狸会变老,但永远难变好。(谚语)江山易改,本性难移。
4)表示世界上第一无二的东西  the sun/the earth/the sky等
作者: 白天羽    时间: 2012-4-9 09:32

I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street.
just通常用现在完成时。    in Bridge Street不加冠词
move  v./n.  
1)移动,改变位置   move a chair nearer the fire.
2)搬家,迁居  move from---to从某地搬往某地  move to a new house
He couldn’t pay his rent, so he had to move out.
3)使人动心而(流泪,微笑等) Her story moved us to tears.
We were greatly moved bu his performance of the piano concerto. 我们为他钢琴协奏曲的演奏而感动不已。 concerto [kən'tʃə:təu] n. 协奏曲
4)提议   I move for the suspension of further discussion. 我提议延缓进一步讨论问题。suspension [sə'spenʃən] n.暂停,延缓;停职;悬浮
5)(事情)进行,进展  It is necessary to move on the problem soon.
move about = move around四处走动    move away离开,搬走,移开
move up上升,晋升,向前移动    move out搬出去,迁出
move over挪开些
6)n.棋子的一步棋  It’s your move.轮到你下棋了。
7)n.手段,措施  make a move采取行动   on the move在进展中,在移动中     get a move on催促前进
作者: 白天羽    时间: 2012-4-9 09:33


1a coat of 一层
He wiped a thin coat of dust of the plate with his sleeve.
Sleeve [sli:v] n.

2a crust of 一层
There is a thin crust of dirty around the bath.

作者: 白天羽    时间: 2012-4-9 09:34

1、Everybody knows him.        Know him.
A. They all   B. Each   C. Every   D. All they

2、      doed he call?  Once a month。
A. How seldom   B. How long   C. How soon   D. How often

3、She gave him a piece of cheese. He put the       of cheese in his pocket.
A. bit   B. bar   C. block   D. packet

4、When I met Mrs. Smith this morning, she        you and your family.
A. asked for   B. asked of   C. asked over   D.asked after
作者: 白天羽    时间: 2012-4-9 09:34

1 进房间不敲门是很不礼貌的。
2 那个小孩在商场里向妈妈要玩具。
3 下周我想去拜访初中的老师。
作者: 白天羽    时间: 2012-4-9 09:39

作者: kobe    时间: 2012-4-9 12:52

作者: jimmm67    时间: 2012-4-29 09:47

作者: AllenHL    时间: 2012-6-6 12:56

It is very impolite for going into the room without knocking at the door.
作者: AllenHL    时间: 2012-6-6 13:01

The child asked his Mom for toys at the mall.
作者: AllenHL    时间: 2012-6-6 13:03

I want to go to visit the junior middle school  teacher  next week
作者: raindrop88    时间: 2012-7-3 01:33

I want to call on my middle school teacher  next week.
作者: raindrop88    时间: 2012-7-3 01:45

The child asked for the toy to his mum at the store.

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