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标题: 品味英语(Savor English)---地道表达集中营 [打印本页]

作者: onlyone    时间: 2006-4-25 08:13     标题: 品味英语(Savor English)---地道表达集中营


还是我来起头, 大家可以尽量补充,把自己看到的学到的地道的表达放进来!



1,良性循环: a positive feedback loop // 同样:恶性循环: a negative feedback loop

例句: This constructive proposal may reinforce the reputation of this private firm in a positive feedback loop .

2,棘手的问题: 介绍几种换词(以下都是我从文摘上积累出来的,不会有问题啦)

tough issue //     thorny problem//   tricky matter  // uncomfortable issue // the most daunting problem

3,晚期肿瘤: 这里的晚期地道的用法是: advanced

如: 晚期肾癌: advanced kidney cancer // advanced cases of head and neck cancer // tumor

主要在阅读时不要把advanced误解为"先进的, 超前的,高深的"意思.

[ 本帖最后由 onlyone 于 2006-4-25 08:14 AM 编辑 ]
作者: 小叮铛    时间: 2006-4-25 10:37


1.香芋冰激凌球 "taro scoop" not"ball"

eg.I prefer taro scoop rather than vanilla scoop,because its color is so inviting.


2.干爹 sugar daddy   同理,干妈 sugar mummye.

eg.I own my oversea study to my sugar daddy.


The submitted power of breathtaking view only exists in the most perilous summit.


关于动态表达,例如extend the length of....//rise the height of....//就比常用的静态表达as long as  //as high as要生动而且地道


作者: onlyone    时间: 2006-4-25 10:40


The submitted power of breathtaking view only exists in the most perilous summit.


breathtaking= staggering = prodigious 惊人的,巨大的(场面,变化...)

作者: onlyone    时间: 2006-4-25 10:41

2.干爹 sugar daddy   同理,干妈 sugar mummye.

eg.I own my oversea study to my sugar daddy

一个错误,应该是: owe ... to ..: 由于,因为...

作者: onlyone    时间: 2006-4-25 10:42

表达一种观点盛行, 大家首先想到的是什么呢?

an attitude universally habored by the youth...

或是: it is universally acknowledged that..

来看个精彩的: the attitude goes global

例句: When that attitude goes global, the human beings may be able look back on their former garbage-producing ways as a forgiveable error of their youth.
作者: onlyone    时间: 2006-4-25 11:31


1.“竭尽全力” 一般说try my best,  do my best.试试exert oneself,很不错的

2.面对困难    除了confront the difficulty,我们还可以说face the music   想想要上台了,音乐响起了,是不是再害怕也要上去?很形象吧

3.He let his wife settle this question without his meeting it head on.


作者: mimi103    时间: 2006-5-9 18:47

nothing to fear but fear itself

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