The white swan – with its long, graceful neck – is among the most beautiful of birds.白天鹅以其修长而优雅的颈部跻身于最美鸟类的行列.
作者: 笑着爱你 时间: 2013-4-9 17:33
看看!!!!!!!!!!!!!作者: eric1234 时间: 2013-4-9 22:24
The swan is mostly silent through its life作者: 伊梦青依 时间: 2013-4-12 16:18
the swan is mostly silent through its life it flows quietly on the water unable to sing sweet songs like most other birds in ancient times however people believe that the swan was given the spacial gift of sun at the end of its life they believe the swan sings the most beautiful song just before it death作者: N_ightmare 时间: 2013-5-5 22:26
The swan is mostly silent for its life。It flaw quietly on the water。On able to sing sweet songs like most other birds。in ancient time however people believed that the swans was the special gift to song at its life. They believed the swan sings the most beautiful song just before it dies.