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标题: 用“精听”提高英语听力水平 [打印本页]

作者: 1想飞的鱼    时间: 2006-1-19 10:16     标题: 用“精听”提高英语听力水平


  昨天有一位没有署名的网友给我发邮件,说他虽然通过了英语六级考试,但他的英语听力仍然很差,听外国人说话时,总觉得他们的说话速度太快,脑子跟不上,因此大部分内容都听不懂,他问我应当怎样办。其实类似这位网友的情况,在国内是很普遍的,我爱人就是一个例子,她小学、中学、大学都学英语,也通过了英语六级考试,但CCTV 9的英语新闻,根本听不懂,只能听懂其中一些单词。针对这种情况,下面我专门为那些已经通过英语六级考试的朋友,介绍一种提高英语听力水平的方法。



  第二点是:某些英语单词的连读。比如您在“精听”一条新闻时,听到一个生词,发音好象是notatal,不像是外国的人名、地名,而且《英汉词典》中也查不到,这时,您就应当想到,它很可能是两个(或两个以上)单词的连读,按照这个思路,您应当猜出它是not at all。




作者: 零点    时间: 2006-1-19 13:55

作者: favorite    时间: 2006-3-4 16:44

in deed it's good.remember the most important thing is that we make sure we can meet the commands.
作者: why123_520    时间: 2006-3-26 18:08     标题: 恩~

maybe I will accept the advise`and want a go ~~It's a good idea~~~
作者: david_ye    时间: 2006-3-28 00:16     标题: i have a problem

i have a problem , when i listen to the middle listening resource ,i can catch most of it ,but when it come to the step by step 2000(3), i found it is very difficult to understand or  catch accurately the meaning of every words. maybe i am not very familar with the words and the expressions . could you give me some advices or suggestions ?
By the way , somebody know a good way to review the english grammars? Recently i found that i can hardly remember the contents  of grammars when i do the reading comprehensions , it is really awkward,can somebody help me ?
thanks a lot .
作者: onlyone    时间: 2006-3-28 09:09

Increase amount of vocabulary and Read much to listen to much.
作者: favorite    时间: 2006-3-28 09:17

原帖由 david_ye 于 2006-3-28 12:16 AM 发表
i have a problem , when i listen to the middle listening resource ,i can catch most of it ,but when it come to the step by step 2000(3), i found it is very difficult to understand or  catch accurat ...

Here I have a question for you,can you write down what you hear while listening to the middle listening resource?of course write it down correctly.

作者: sunland1314    时间: 2006-5-4 15:22

excuse me! when i listen to english,there is something in my mind, so i can't always focus on listening. especially the time that listening english will last ,is  a little long. what i can do ? somebody give me some advises,thank you!
作者: favorite    时间: 2006-5-4 22:02

原帖由 sunland1314 于 2006-5-4 03:22 PM 发表
excuse me! when i listen to english,there is something in my mind, so i can't always focus on listening. especially the time that listening english will last ,is  a little long. what i can do ? som ...

Could I ask you what  you think about when listening to english?however,nobody ,I think,can always focus on one thing for a long time.I don't know where you listening level is ,but from your messages posted here I can see that you can write in english beautifully , at least better than ...others.I would say we can't focus on listening to Chinese for long time,but we can grasp the main idea.So don't worry about the problem you referred above if you can understand what you hear. If you really think you need to focus on every word of the material you hear ,you can try to write what you hear when listening.Personally,I think that's a good way .
作者: lhjjane    时间: 2006-6-28 01:48

very good.thanks.
作者: yang030312    时间: 2006-7-24 15:58

恩 不错
作者: xuling.    时间: 2006-7-24 18:33

I'll try .Thanks for u advices!
作者: L.B.Z    时间: 2006-7-25 17:15

it's good advise
作者: L.B.Z    时间: 2006-7-25 17:16

it's good advise
作者: selsun    时间: 2006-9-24 16:08

作者: 欧阳曦    时间: 2006-10-14 23:31

作者: tsliyue    时间: 2007-1-1 10:11

thank you for your advise
作者: herover    时间: 2007-1-12 16:53     标题: it's a good way

作者: ndluojiayun    时间: 2007-1-13 10:20

I am a help me a lot.thank you
作者: ronaldo    时间: 2007-1-21 17:31

作者: sbgace    时间: 2007-1-24 10:34

作者: oneheartgirl    时间: 2007-1-24 15:00

作者: 潇湘    时间: 2007-3-16 15:55     标题: 四级听力!!!!

作者: ken    时间: 2007-3-27 22:07

作者: linwanhua008    时间: 2007-3-28 01:56

作者: jadedu    时间: 2007-3-28 14:37     标题: Good idear

thank you for your help me.
I think i can study english very good.So i make a decision pay out some  time study Englsih every day.
I hope everybody usual help me and give me some advice.

Thank you for your support and kind attention
作者: 空中    时间: 2007-3-28 18:42

It is a good advise,I will have a try!
作者: shuiyue7758    时间: 2007-5-18 13:35     标题: 我发表一下意见哦

我觉得楼主说的不错不过最后一点可能是个误区,做为一个专业英语学生,我很负责的给大家讲,要学好英语不是要能够翻译听到的东西,而是完全用英语思考,就像你说thank you 时你不用想它是谢谢你的意思,听英语是要量变到质变的过程.如果你永远在做翻译,永远也就不能真正掌握一门语言
作者: robbie003    时间: 2007-5-19 20:20

作者: 释道    时间: 2007-5-23 23:18

作者: Catherine.lee    时间: 2007-12-10 22:01

i'll try it!
作者: Catherine.lee    时间: 2007-12-10 22:02

i'll try it!
作者: daynight    时间: 2007-12-16 15:14

原帖由 shuiyue7758 于 2007-5-18 01:35 PM 发表
我觉得楼主说的不错不过最后一点可能是个误区,做为一个专业英语学生,我很负责的给大家讲,要学好英语不是要能够翻译听到的东西,而是完全用英语思考,就像你说thank you 时你不用想它是谢谢你的意思,听英语是要量 ...

yeah, i agree with you entirely. what you described is the ultimate goal of learning English.

However, for most English learner, ie non-native speaker,
if they can fully understand the meaning and can even translate or interprete spontaneously,
that is already great!

To them, language is just a tool for communication, other than research field or occupation.
作者: bbldb33    时间: 2009-8-27 01:44

作者: danzel2008    时间: 2009-10-7 16:23

作者: x-ace    时间: 2009-10-7 16:37

原帖由 danzel2008 于 2009-10-7 04:23 PM 发表

you are welcome,

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