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标题: VOA标准英语2014.03.18 [打印本页]

作者: Rebecca949    时间: 2014-3-19 10:47     标题: VOA标准英语2014.03.18


From Washington, this is VOA News. Deadlock in Syrian peace talks. Polio surge in Afghanistan. I'm Ray Kouguell, reporting from Washington. United Nations mediator Lakhdar Brahimi says no progress has been made in negotiations aimed at bringing almost 3 years of bloody war in Syria to an end. The two sides remain far apart. Let's hear from Lisa Schlein in Geneva. Looking weary, UN mediator Lakhdar Brahimi describes the start of this week of talks as laborious. __________________________The opposition backed by western powers argues President Bashar al Assad has lost all legitimacy and should not be part of any transitional process. Syrian government delegates reject any effort to remove the president. Lisa Schlein for VOA News, Geneva. 这里是来自华盛顿的美国之音新闻播报. 叙利亚和平谈判陷入僵局.阿富汗小儿麻痹症患者激增.我是雷.库格,从华盛顿为您报道. 联合国叙利亚问题调解官员拉赫达尔.卜拉希米声称,旨在结束近3年血腥战争的和谈没有取得进展.和谈双方存在巨大分歧.下面是在日内瓦的丽莎.施莱茵带来的报道.联合国调解员拉赫达尔.卜拉希米面容显得很疲倦,他表示本周开启的和谈进展费力.__________________由西方势力支持的反对派主张总统巴萨尔.阿萨德已经失去所有执政合法性,不应参与过渡政府组建事宜.叙利亚政府代表团则反对任何推翻总统的措施.我是美国之音新闻记者丽莎.施莱茵,从日内瓦为您报道.


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