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标题: VOA标准英语2014.04.14 [打印本页]

作者: Rebecca949    时间: 2014-4-15 09:39     标题: VOA标准英语2014.04.14


The United Nations special envoy on Ukraine was forced to leave Crimea after being stopped by gunmen and surrounded by a crowd. VOA's Elizabeth Arrott has more from the Crimea regional capital Simferopol where anti-Western sentiment is growing. _____________________UN Deputy Secretary General Jan Eliasson on a mission in Kiev says Serry is in good shape physically and denied initial reports that he had been kidnapped. The men appeared to be part of the irregular pro-Russian volunteer forces whose numbers have increased since the appearance of unidentified soldiers in the Ukrainian Region over the past week. Those troops are widely believed to be Russian. Elizabeth Arrott, VOA News, Simferopol. Keep up on this entire developing story on our website at 在遭枪手拦截并被包围后,联合国乌克兰问题特别大使被迫离开了克里米亚.美国之音记者伊丽莎白?阿洛特从反西方情绪正日益高涨的克里米亚首府辛菲罗波尔发回更多报道. _____________________在基辅进行访问的联合国副秘书长简?埃里森称塞瑞身体状况良好,否认了之前报道的塞瑞曾遭绑架的消息.那些围困他的人,似乎是亲俄的非正规志愿兵成员,自上周在乌克兰地区出现了不明身份的士兵以来,他们的人数在不断增加.人们普遍认为这些人归属俄罗斯部队.伊丽莎白?阿洛特,美国之音,辛菲罗波尔报道. 关于这一事件的所有进展,请关注我们美国之音的网站.


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