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标题: 双语:十个你该辞职另找工作的特征 [打印本页]

作者: kobe    时间: 2014-7-8 07:08     标题: 双语:十个你该辞职另找工作的特征

Not every job is going to be your dream job, and sometimes sticking it out in a less-than-desirable position could be necessary to rise up the corporate ladder.


But after time, some jobs may not be worth the effort you're putting in or the negative effects on your health and wellbeing.

How do you know it's time to call it quits? Here are 10 key signs you should quit your job and move on

1. You're no longer learning.If you continue to refine your skills at work but are bored because you've stopped picking up anything new , you may have hit a wall at your job.

2. Your skills aren't being tapped.If you've realized that you're overqualified for your job , then it's worth seeing if there's an opportunity for growth within your own company. If there's no path forward, it could be time to look elsewhere.
2 你的技能没有得到锻炼。如果你意思到你在工作中游刃有余,那么就可以看看看自己公司内部有没有升职的机会。如果公司内部没有升职空间,那就是时候去其它地方找机会了。

3. You hate the work.Some jobs are stepping stones to your dream job and require dealing with some unpleasant tasks; others are just bad fits. A good way to differentiate between the two is to look at your manager's boss — if you'd be happy with that job, then you're on the right track .
3 你讨厌那工作。一些工作是你梦想工作的垫脚石同时要处理一些不愉快的任务;另一些工作则是不适合。一个区别这两者的好办法是看你经理的老板---如果你对那工作满意,那么你就是在正确的轨道上。

4. You don't fit into your company's culture.Being an employee means being part of a team, and if you still feel like an outcast at your company after six months or so, then you should probably find a work environment better suited to your personality and values.
4 你不能适应你公司的文化。做为一个雇员意味着成为团队的一员,如果你在入职六个月后仍然觉得像个弃儿,那么你是应找一个更适应你个性和价值观的工作环境。

5. You have a terrible boss.A bad boss can be a bully, arrogant, and a poor team manager. If his or her shortcomings are affecting your productivity and happiness, it might not be worth putting up with.
5 你有一个糟糕的老板。一个坏老板会是一个恃强凌弱,傲慢,差劲的团队管理者。如果老板的缺点影响你的工作效率和福祉,那么这分工作就不值得你忍受。

作者: kobe    时间: 2014-7-8 07:09

回复 1# kobe

6. Your company is in a downward spiral.If your company is in a difficult financial period, or an upcoming merger or acquisition threatens your department,there's no reason to go down with a sinking ship .
6 你的公司在走下坡路。如果你的公司财务困难,或者快被兼并或收购威胁到你部门,那么就没理由再呆下去了。

7. Your health is affected by stress and anxiety.If your unhappiness at work is being manifested in excruciating body aches, anxiety attacks, or a general state of melancholy , it's time to consider new job options.
7 压力和焦虑影响你的健康。如果你工作时的不高兴已经在身体反映出来,如难以忍受的全身酸痛,焦虑症,或惆怅,那么就是时候考虑新工作了。

8. Your personal relationships are suffering because of your job.Putting in long hours can be rewarding, but when they cause you to drift from family and friends , you may want to question the costs.
8 你的人际关系受工作干扰。忍受长时间的工作是有回报的,但是当工作让你逐渐远离家人和朋友时,你该问问代价是否值得了。

9. Your duties have increased but your pay hasn't.Sometimes an increase in work without a pay raise is due to downsizing , and sometimes it's just management taking advantage of you. Either way, it might be time to pursue options that compensate you fairly.
9 你的责任长了但薪水没涨。有时候工作量的增加而薪水没加是因为裁员,而有时那只是管理层利用你。无论如何,都是时候寻求机会公平地补偿你。

10. You wake up dreading the day.If you wake up each morning to an overwhelming sense of dread, try to pinpoint the reason and address it with your employer. And if you ultimately find that there's no way to escape misery at your job, then life is just too short — it's time to go.
10 你一醒来就忍受害怕的一天。如果你每天一醒来就有一种难于克服的恐惧感,这种恐惧感来自于你试图找出原因并与你的雇主交流。如果你最终发现你无法逃避工作中的痛苦时,那人生就太短暂了---是时候离开了。

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