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标题: 英语听力选择题(初级)-献血 [打印本页]

作者: tingroom    时间: 2014-9-1 15:58     标题: 英语听力选择题(初级)-献血


1. About how many blood donations are needed every day in the United States?
A. 14,000
B. 24,000
C. 40,000

2.Approximately how many people donate blood every year?
A. 92,000
B. 920,000
C. 9,200,000

3. According to the announcement, some people do not donate blood because _______.
A. they are afraid of the process
B. it isn't always convenient to schedule a time
C. they are concerned about their privacy

4. Which step for donating blood was NOT mentioned in the recording?
A. signing up for a time
B. reviewing your medical history
C. eating food before you donate

5. You can donate blood every ______ days.
A. 56
B. 66
C. 76


作者: tingroom    时间: 2014-9-1 15:58

There is a great need for blood donations around the world, and you can be the means of saving lives. According to the American Red Cross, over 40,000 blood donations are needed every single day in the United States alone, and without the help of volunteers like you, it is impossible to fill this need. About 9.2 people donate every year in the US, and although approximately 38% of the population is eligible to donate, less than 10% of them actually do.

Sometimes people don't donate out of fear, but the process is relatively simple following a four-step process: registering, getting your medical history checked, donating, and having some refreshments (food and drink that you are given right after you donate to replenish your fluids and energy). And once you donate, you have the ability to donate red blood cells every 56 days.

So, carefully consider becoming a donor. You can save lives.

Key Vocabulary [Top]

    means (noun): way or method of doing something
    - What is the best means of helping other people in the community?

    donate (verb): give something freely
    - My father always donates money and items to the homeless shelter in our area.

    eligible (adjective): having the right to do something
    - Children who come from low-income families are eligible to receive free lunches at school.

    register (verb): sign up for something
    - How about registering to donate blood next month? It's a great way to serve the community.

    consider (verb): think about
    - I considered volunteeering my time to help children learn how to read at the library, but our family moved before I had a chance.
作者: ezbiz365    时间: 2014-9-17 15:46

good topic!
作者: kk6688    时间: 2014-10-27 23:47


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